The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Unless there’s a PS5 SKU or at the very least a PS5 “case” for the TLOU Part II, I don’t think it’s intended to be saved for PS5. It seems weird advertising a PS4 game for PS5 launch. Maybe they’ll do MS did for Xbox BC games

I wonder if Ghost of Tsushima will get delayed. It sucks that games are getting delayed but we’re getting Final Fantasy VII so nothing else matters :smokin
You guys really think Sony going to delay this till PS5 launch? Lol. That makes no sense. Nobody is checking for a PS4 game at a PS5 launch.

Final fantasy: war of the visions out now on phone. I haven't tried it yet, but I like me tactics rpgs, and I like me final fantasy. I would be cautious of the "exchange $ for gold/diamonds/rupees" cell phone games try to peddle though.

I saw this but the micro-transactions and the fact it is a mobile game make it an easy pass.

It actually makes me seethingly angry that they couldnt fire this on PS4.
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Few bits of news:

Might have to jump into Terraria again.
It's not that simple. Not everyone buys digital. Also the game has like 4 different editions and tons of people pre ordered the Ellie, and collectors editions which obviously come with stuff you can't just get digitally.

Again we're also talking about 1 of Sony's biggest in house game release.

Agree. There are too many potential buyers who either can't or won't buy digital. It may only be 25-30% of the purchases, but that's still several million units the company would be sacrificing. And SIE is just one portion of a much larger Sony, who I'm sure, already has projections about how much this release will net them. And they don't want to come up way shy of that number.
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