The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

DocsBack wrote:
As someone who lives in Happy Valley I'm sick of hearing about this. It's become a circus now. If Spanier gets the boot that should satisfy everyone who isn't directly involved. He is the face of this school, he is ultimately responsible. Joe should finish out the year and not be given an opportunity to renew or comeback.
F paterno finishing out the year...Look I know he's done a lot for that school & the surrounding communities but he directly and/or indirectly fostered an environment where kids (plural)were molested. He also participated in covering these issues up. He needs to be s#$t canned immediately. It makes me sick that parterno is basically claiming plausible deniability. 

Originally Posted by DocsBack

As someone who lives in Happy Valley I'm sick of hearing about this. It's become a circus now. If Spanier gets the boot that should satisfy everyone who isn't directly involved. He is the face of this school, he is ultimately responsible. Joe should finish out the year and not be given an opportunity to renew or comeback.
What possible reason can you give for saying that Paterno should be allowed to finish out the year?
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Mike McQueary getting no recognition as a former Penn St. QB, commonly mentioned in this scandal as the graduate assistant.

He should be getting mentioned as the 28 year old coward who witnessed a grown man raping a kid, did nothing, and ran away running to his daddy for help. Like, how do you not immediately run up and beat the breaks off of dude? Or at least, remove the kid from the situation. For all we know, the kid was just still there getting pounded when this guy could have stopped it. Then to top it off, as a 28 year old man he doesn't know what to do in that situation. Give me a break. That dude is the definition of a B, a coward, and a Pus. A qb leads Men. You can't mention him as a qb because no one would be led by him.
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Mike McQueary getting no recognition as a former Penn St. QB, commonly mentioned in this scandal as the graduate assistant.

He should be getting mentioned as the 28 year old coward who witnessed a grown man raping a kid, did nothing, and ran away running to his daddy for help. Like, how do you not immediately run up and beat the breaks off of dude? Or at least, remove the kid from the situation. For all we know, the kid was just still there getting pounded when this guy could have stopped it. Then to top it off, as a 28 year old man he doesn't know what to do in that situation. Give me a break. That dude is the definition of a B, a coward, and a Pus. A qb leads Men. You can't mention him as a qb because no one would be led by him.

I'm not a violent person, but as a parent of a 7 year old boy that I love & adore dearly, I would stomp the ever living s#$t out of anyone if I saw them assaulting a child. I wouldn't kill that person, but I would maim & harm someone in such a way that they would be impaired for life...
The culture of college football and is why I cant get into the game, if this type of !@$@ got covered up, just think about stuff that goes on at other programs?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Just now catching up on this

Same here. I want to see sanctions for this. This is the biggest scandal in all of college doubt about it. And to think it lasted for a decade plus?
Unbelievable...and then this dude has the nerve to put out a book on his life story entitled "Touched..."

You couldn't write this up any stranger.
i just caught up with the story and

can their football program catch the death penalty if all parties involved are convicted?
Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Mike McQueary getting no recognition as a former Penn St. QB, commonly mentioned in this scandal as the graduate assistant.

He should be getting mentioned as the 28 year old coward who witnessed a grown man raping a kid, did nothing, and ran away running to his daddy for help. Like, how do you not immediately run up and beat the breaks off of dude? Or at least, remove the kid from the situation. For all we know, the kid was just still there getting pounded when this guy could have stopped it. Then to top it off, as a 28 year old man he doesn't know what to do in that situation. Give me a break. That dude is the definition of a B, a coward, and a Pus. A qb leads Men. You can't mention him as a qb because no one would be led by him.

I'm not a violent person, but as a parent of a 7 year old boy that I love & adore dearly, I would stomp the ever living s#$t out of anyone if I saw them assaulting a child. I wouldn't kill that person, but I would maim & harm someone in such a way that they would be impaired for life...
WORD! I have an 11 year old and this is my worst fear. Dude is a coward and is just as guilty if you ask me. If I saw ANY child getting assaulted I'd put my life on the line to protect theirs. I would have went to the police, news, parents...ect. I couldn't even live with myself knowing that I did nothing. I'd rather have my child buried than have something like this happen to em.
As much as you love Paterno he should be let go immediately. @$@ going out with Honor, he knew about this @$@ and did Nothing!.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by TraPpStar

He should be getting mentioned as the 28 year old coward who witnessed a grown man raping a kid, did nothing, and ran away running to his daddy for help. Like, how do you not immediately run up and beat the breaks off of dude? Or at least, remove the kid from the situation. For all we know, the kid was just still there getting pounded when this guy could have stopped it. Then to top it off, as a 28 year old man he doesn't know what to do in that situation. Give me a break. That dude is the definition of a B, a coward, and a Pus. A qb leads Men. You can't mention him as a qb because no one would be led by him.

I'm not a violent person, but as a parent of a 7 year old boy that I love & adore dearly, I would stomp the ever living s#$t out of anyone if I saw them assaulting a child. I wouldn't kill that person, but I would maim & harm someone in such a way that they would be impaired for life...
WORD! I have an 11 year old and this is my worst fear. Dude is a coward and is just as guilty if you ask me. If I saw ANY child getting assaulted I'd put my life on the line to protect theirs. I would have went to the police, news, parents...ect. I couldn't even live with myself knowing that I did nothing. I'd rather have my child buried than have something like this happen to em.
just putting the associations together. he was a former qb for penn st who was a graduate assistant then now trying to move up the coaching ladder. doesn't speak loud about leadership skills that you would expect from a qb or assistant coach --- deflecting personal responsibility.
Real quick...just heard Jason Whitlock on the radio. He brought up some real good points. He was saying that there is NO WAY Penn State can have Joe Paterno in the stadium this Saturday vs. Nebraska. Even if he isn't fired/resigned/etc...

I never thought of it this way, but if the school gives the OK for him to still "coach," can you imagine the backlash via. protests outside of the stadium? There is no way they can have him there. Scott Paterno, who is serving as the mouthpiece, says his dad is prepping for Nebraska. What the @%@%? The honorable thing IMO, is for Joe Paterno to step away ASAP. It's what's best (right now) for everyone involved. No need to bring any more negative attention to yourself, the school, or the kids on the sidelines by being there to coach on Saturday.

I honestly think that a lot of people fail to realize that this issue is 1000000000x bigger than sports.

For my dude 4W, as an alumni, what do you think the crowd's reaction will be if Joe Paterno is still coaching and in the stadium on Saturday?

This case affects EVERYONE associated with the university. That goes to kids looking to potentially attend the school. If you're a parent and through all this mess you see JoePa still standing, what kind of message does that say about Penn State? Would you honestly want your child to go there for college?
DoubleJ, as a student I think that there will be a lot of people supporting Paterno if he's coaching. I've overheard conversations of people defending Paterno all day and I just look at them with disgust. One thing is for certain, if he isn't coaching, the ENTIRE STUDENT SECTION will be chanting his name at some point I can almost guarentee that.

I'll be there, I'll be wearing my Navy Blue as always but I will show no signs of Penn State logos anywhere. I am way too disgusted with the way these ADULTS have represented this university that I adore and love. I just hope that people will see past the scandal and will not associate the entire university as a whole with these idiots. Prolly wont happen though, smh.
This is an incredibly troubling, and profoundly saddening story. The unfortunate truth is that as long as there are people of power and authority, there will also be those who abuse those privileges. That Jerry Sandusky was a particularly vile and perverted man who was given authority over countless innocent children over the years only makes such an obvious and incontrovertible truth more difficult to accept as an everyday sort of thing. One can only hope that ALL the men who were in anyway complicate, and allowed this animal to continue with his crimes receive their due comeuppance, Joe Pa included. His actions in this case were the bare minimum, and fulfilled his legal obligation, but I don't see how this once revered man can sleep peacefully at night, let alone retain his post knowing that those eight young boys' scars may never heal. Failure to act may not specifically be a crime, but in this case it probably should be considering a near decade has passed since the original incident. How many were victimized in all that time Sandusky was allowed to walk free?

Hopefully an entirely greater level of scrutiny regarding amateur athletics will come to pass following these revelations, especially where youth are concerned. Sad to think about, but that kind old retiree coaching the local soccer team must no longer be so blindly trusted as they tend to be by busy and ignorant parents.

As for Jerry Sandusky, I wish the absolute worst. Seeing as how it is Pennsylvania, they should seek a so richly deserved capital punishment.
Something is not right with Spanier. I feel like he's behind the entire coverup. And I would not be surprised if there is a connection between this case and the DAs disappearance.

People have been wanting Spaniers removal for YEARS so this is the catalyst to get that going. I would be surprised if he is still president after this is all said and done.
and I am going up this weekend; I can't imagine what Penn State will be like...

def. not the place that I graduated from
Joe Pa can't return.  This is ugly.  Way worse than the OU scandal over ink and jerseys.  What a mess.
the Ray Gricar case was big when I was still up at Penn State; it's odd because I had a fascination with that case and would research it periodically to see if anything new was going on similar to the Cindy Song case where a young student vanished on Halloween back in 2001 and has yet to be found. I find these cases very interesting; the next blow I am waiting to come is the Gricar case is related to Sandusky.

Penn State will NEVER be the same; State College is one of the truly Happiest places on the planet...this weekend is going to be like a funeral for myself and many alums; I'm hearing rumors that students are planning a "black out" in protest of everyone who did wrong in this case.
StillIn729 wrote:
Penn State will NEVER be the same; State College is one of the truly Happiest places on the planet...this weekend is going to be like a funeral for myself and many alums; I'm hearing rumors that students are planning a "black out" in protest of everyone who did wrong in this case.
Like campus seems the same because people still have their own lives to worry about before this case. But you can tell that deep down inside and in the back of their minds, they're disgusted, shocked, and confused. I still don't want to believe this all happened. Sickens me. 
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