The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Originally Posted by SoHi 23


But I don't feel bad for anybody except those kids.
And that's what's lost in some of this...except they aren't kids now.  They're #$%%#! up adults.  We know of 9...makes you wonder how many more are out there. 

*I honestly wonder if Sandusky will be alive within the next couple of months....

You can almost guarantee more are going to come out too. This is far from over.

It's an all out riot now, these dudes are not going to be anywhere near Happy Valley for their trials.

Media is going to move into town and this is only going to get bigger. I would not be shocked at anything i read anymore and that would include people offing themselves.

Hey but good news is still that the Attorney General waited until after JoePa and his staff broke the wins record last week to announce the bombshell.
Which should be a media story right now in itself. With people being asked questions. But it's not.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

IF this is all true, I won't feel sorry for Paterno in the least.  And this is coming from a Penn St alumn.

4w, I knew you lived in the Philly area but I didn't know that you went to PSU. What year did you graduate?
Millen put it best. "Come forward, man up, and take responsibility for your actions"

I feel as though people have been passing the burden of handling the situation around. Went from the GA to his father to Paterno to Curley and Schultz and now supposedly Spanier. If the GA or Patenro called the cops in the first place, the monster would have been stopped in 1998 or 2002 and SOOOO many lives have been saved.

This may not be the best way to say it, but those victims might as well be dead. I can't imagine having to live life with this burden. 

I'll reserve my judgement for Sandusky because words can't describe how I feel about that weak, frail man. But it's okay though, the US Justice system should be the least of his worries because once his life is all said and done, he's going to have to answer to a much much higher power upstairs. And best believe He will take care of this. 
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

You can almost guarantee more are going to come out too. This is far from over.

It's an all out riot now, these dudes are not going to be anywhere near Happy Valley for their trials.

Media is going to move into town and this is only going to get bigger. I would not be shocked at anything i read anymore and that would include people offing themselves.

Hey but good news is still that the Attorney General waited until after JoePa and his staff broke the wins record last week to announce the bombshell.
Which should be a media story right now in itself. With people being asked questions. But it's not.


3 years. 3 $*%*!++ years and they wait to break it now. SMH, this is what happens when sports takes over the lives of people. This **!@ is bigger than football, bigger than the school itself. And it pains me to see that a lot of people are ignorant to that fact. 
af1  I agree with ya brother.


YES Network's Kim Jones scored an interview with Paterno's son Scott who told her that the press conference was canceled by Penn State University president Graham Spanier and that his father wanted to address the media over the Sandusky scandal. He also told Jones that they are working on putting together their own press conference to address the topic, and that they haven't yet been contacted about his father's dismissal, as reported by the New York Times. They are not dismissing the report—they just have not been contacted about the future of Paterno at Penn State. Scott Paterno says his father is still preparing to coach Nebraska this week.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

af1  I agree with ya brother.


YES Network's Kim Jones scored an interview with Paterno's son Scott who told her that the press conference was canceled by Penn State University president Graham Spanier and that his father wanted to address the media over the Sandusky scandal. He also told Jones that they are working on putting together their own press conference to address the topic, and that they haven't yet been contacted about his father's dismissal, as reported by the New York Times. They are not dismissing the report—they just have not been contacted about the future of Paterno at Penn State. Scott Paterno says his father is still preparing to coach Nebraska this week.

Still interested to see what Paterno says. Something inside tells me that Spanier knew Paterno has dirt on him and is doing everything in his power to stop him from opening his mouth. I will not be surprised if there is a lot of foul play within the coming days. 
And as much as I want to see Paterno rid of all blame, he still !!%!%! up. As the face of the University, you are obligated to uphold the dignity and the honor of it. All he had to do was call the police and at least 7 lives, the we know about, would be saved.

And it's a shame that Paterno worked almost 5 decades for his legacy and did so much good in the world. And all that is down the drain with this scandal. This is how he will be remembered and rightfully so as much as it pains me to say it. 

I'm very anxious to see what Paterno has to say. Hopefully he sheds some light on a side of the situation that we're in the dark about. Say it ain't so Joe!
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by SoHi 23


But I don't feel bad for anybody except those kids.
And that's what's lost in some of this...except they aren't kids now.  They're #$%%#! up adults.  We know of 9...makes you wonder how many more are out there. 

*I honestly wonder if Sandusky will be alive within the next couple of months....


He'll take the cowards way out.  The type that they find hanging in the closet from a belt.
This is just sick.

I really can't defend Paterno in this, even if he did go to the AD. How do you not alert the authorities? How do you even allow Sandusky to have an office and frequent your football facilities?

Massive overhaul of coaches and school personnel coming.
Good Lord, Former Penn St great OJ mcDuffie says the rumors about Sandusky had been around since 1990
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Good Lord, Former Penn St great OJ mcDuffie says the rumors about Sandusky had been around since 1990

I knew it would come out but it stills gets me fired up. Wondering if anything will come about his adopted or foster children.

I have a feeling the number of victims is going to be staggering.

story from a friend inside psu is that paterno's been asked to resign... i know the urban meyer rumors been around but apparently no matter what this is joe pa's last year.

anyone else hearing anything?
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Good Lord, Former Penn St great OJ mcDuffie says the rumors about Sandusky had been around since 1990

How, HOW has this never gotten out before now?  I understand a kid wanting to keep it quiet, but not one parent was aware and made noise? 
  How is that even possible? 

Ry, when I woke up this morning and was hearing it on the news again, my first thought was this can't be a coincidence that it's out ONE week after JoPa gets the record.  I hadn't put it together in my head yet that JoePa was stallin it, but I knew it was more than coincidence. 
  I hope that question gets asked ALOT when it's time for people to talk publicly. 

I know I'm going to be in the minority here (based on all of the posts in this thread referencing Paterno) but I think the blame for all of this should be squarely placed on Sandusky, 100%. Won't happen though, the coach/AD/President will take a brunt of the heat.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Good Lord, Former Penn St great OJ mcDuffie says the rumors about Sandusky had been around since 1990

How, HOW has this never gotten out before now?  I understand a kid wanting to keep it quiet, but not one parent was aware and made noise? 
  How is that even possible? 

Ry, when I woke up this morning and was hearing it on the news again, my first thought was this can't be a coincidence that it's out ONE week after JoPa gets the record.  I hadn't put it together in my head yet that JoePa was stallin it, but I knew it was more than coincidence. 
  I hope that question gets asked ALOT when it's time for people to talk publicly. 

I cant say this is Gospel, but I have a reason to believe these kids were underprivileged.

My guess is that they didn't have a strong family support system and had nobody to turn to.

Also, the humiliation that these kids had from what had happened and the guilt and fear the pedophile puts into them is something they dont want to test.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Good Lord, Former Penn St great OJ mcDuffie says the rumors about Sandusky had been around since 1990

How, HOW has this never gotten out before now?  I understand a kid wanting to keep it quiet, but not one parent was aware and made noise? 
  How is that even possible? 

Ry, when I woke up this morning and was hearing it on the news again, my first thought was this can't be a coincidence that it's out ONE week after JoPa gets the record.  I hadn't put it together in my head yet that JoePa was stallin it, but I knew it was more than coincidence. 
  I hope that question gets asked ALOT when it's time for people to talk publicly. 


It's Election Day in PA. They are all hustlers. Trust. Some worse than others, of course.
Kim Jones yesterday, who is a Penn State Alum and covers the team, now covers NY sports, said there were rumblings about Sandusky 10 yrs ago but they were just rumors so no one acted on it.

Now a 9th kid came forward on Sunday apparently, so I def think we will see more kids come forward and report their incidents. You can't really blame them for harboring their feelings it's a scarring event not something you want made public or even tell anyone. Now that there are multiple kids in the same shoes as each other they can come forward in solidarity and fight back in a way.
Originally Posted by Jehul

I know I'm going to be in the minority here (based on all of the posts in this thread referencing Paterno) but I think the blame for all of this should be squarely placed on Sandusky, 100%. Won't happen though, the coach/AD/President will take a brunt of the heat.

Of course the blame is on Sandusky, JoPa didn't molest those kids.

What people have a problem with is that JoPa and his staff weren't proactive in this situation and let this pedophile do as he pleased.
How, HOW has this never gotten out before now?  I understand a kid wanting to keep it quiet, but not one parent was aware and made noise? 
  How is that even possible? 

My guess would be that maybe the university gave the kids or family some "hush money" after everything happened.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Who knew?

Slate's Hang Up and Listen sports podcast made the same comparison yesterday (that big college football culture rivals a religious institution)
Originally Posted by Deuce King

How, HOW has this never gotten out before now?  I understand a kid wanting to keep it quiet, but not one parent was aware and made noise? 
  How is that even possible? 

My guess would be that maybe the university gave the kids or family some "hush money" after everything happened.
And think if THAT were to get found out........

How can he "refuse" to step down?  Is this guy crazy?  He's never going to get another recruit EVER, so why would he even try to stay and proclaim innocence? 

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