The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

A reporter said a crowd's gathered outside of Paterno's house, chanting his name and lending verbal support. Mostly students she said.

What the $#@%?

For the guy that goes to Penn St in here, for those people on campus that are of the mindset to lend support to Paterno (ie the group outside his house), what is their reasoning? Have you come across anyone like this or held a conversation with anyone under the impression that Paterno deserves support, out of all things, in a time like this?

I'm not trying to troll or badmouth your student body, but I just can't fathom how anyone could defend this man given the facts.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

dre, link on that number?

[h1]Exclusive: Victims Double In Penn State Case[/h1]
Updated: Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011, 6:29 PM EST
Published : Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011, 5:17 PM EST

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Fox 29 has learned the number of child-abuse in the Penn State sex-abuse scandal involving ex-coach Jerry Sandusky has more than doubled in the past day, and is closer to 20 victims.

Slideshow: Joe Paterno Mobbed By Reporters

There were eight victims named in the grand jury presentment and 40 charges leveled against Sandusky, a long-time assistant to Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno. Paterno was not named in the grand jury finding as violating any laws.

Sources tell Fox 29 since a press conference on Monday, the number of potential victims has more than doubled in the case.

Sandusky was arrested in the case and made bail, while two Penn State administrators face charges related to how an alleged crime was reported in the case to police and investigators.

On Monday, state officials publicized two phone numbers for past victims to call, and within a day, it seems investigators have new leads.

Also on Monday, Pennsylvania state attorney general Linda Kelly said the Sandusky case was consideried an on-going investigation and more charges could be coming.

Sandusky is charged with sexually abusing at least eight young boys he met through The Second Mile, a charity he founded in the late 1970s.

A preliminary hearing set for Wednesday was postponed until December 7th.

On Monday, Joe Paterno spoke briefly with reporters.

“I know you guys have a lot of questions and I was hoping I was going to be able to answer them today,

Paterno talking tonight to fans and media at his home

Heard he met with the team and resigned.

Good riddance to this coward
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

This is an incredibly troubling, and profoundly saddening story. The unfortunate truth is that as long as there are people of power and authority, there will also be those who abuse those privileges. That Jerry Sandusky was a particularly vile and perverted man who was given authority over countless innocent children over the years only makes such an obvious and incontrovertible truth more difficult to accept as an everyday sort of thing. One can only hope that ALL the men who were in anyway complicate, and allowed this animal to continue with his crimes receive their due comeuppance, Joe Pa included. His actions in this case were the bare minimum, and fulfilled his legal obligation, but I don't see how this once revered man can sleep peacefully at night, let alone retain his post knowing that those eight young boys' scars may never heal. Failure to act may not specifically be a crime, but in this case it probably should be considering a near decade has passed since the original incident. How many were victimized in all that time Sandusky was allowed to walk free?

Hopefully an entirely greater level of scrutiny regarding amateur athletics will come to pass following these revelations, especially where youth are concerned. Sad to think about, but that kind old retiree coaching the local soccer team must no longer be so blindly trusted as they tend to be by busy and ignorant parents.

As for Jerry Sandusky, I wish the absolute worst. Seeing as how it is Pennsylvania, they should seek a so richly deserved capital punishment.

in my line of owrk, failure to act is negligence...he's lucky hes a just a fb coach...and doesnt live in ca
My friend is on his way to Paterno's house as we speak in support of the man. There is a growing number of students and alumni who are hearing that Joe wasn't allowed to go to the presser today because he was going to tell the truth. The truth that will surely put people in jail. He's prepared to testify against everyone who has lied to him. I came into my job with a group of 20+ people, half of whom are from Penn State. Two left work immediately today and went back home to support Joe Pa.
If he truly plans on telling the truth and letting everything out of the bag, then there is nothing that can stop him.

He can call a presser on his front lawn.

We shall see.

Over all these years, I wouldn't be surprised if actual victims was over 100.

I have no doubt in my mind that Sandusky was sexually abused as a child at that boys home his parents moved into.

These kids didn't deserve this and ppl had a chance to stop it, and didn't.

I can't keep reading this *@+%, it puts me in such a bad space mentally.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

My friend is on his way to Paterno's house as we speak in support of the man. There is a growing number of students and alumni who are hearing that Joe wasn't allowed to go to the presser today because he was going to tell the truth. The truth that will surely put people in jail. He's prepared to testify against everyone who has lied to him. I came into my job with a group of 20+ people, half of whom are from Penn State. Two left work immediately today and went back home to support Joe Pa.
i was talking to a few of my psu friends, some still students some alumni, and we were all saying this. We think he was going to expose Spanier and that Spanier was lying to him the whole time about the incident
Originally Posted by fearthenut

A reporter said a crowd's gathered outside of Paterno's house, chanting his name and lending verbal support. Mostly students she said.

What the $#@%?

For the guy that goes to Penn St in here, for those people on campus that are of the mindset to lend support to Paterno (ie the group outside his house), what is their reasoning? Have you come across anyone like this or held a conversation with anyone under the impression that Paterno deserves support, out of all things, in a time like this?

I'm not trying to troll or badmouth your student body, but I just can't fathom how anyone could defend this man given the facts.
nestasprotege, care to answer?
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

My friend is on his way to Paterno's house as we speak in support of the man. There is a growing number of students and alumni who are hearing that Joe wasn't allowed to go to the presser today because he was going to tell the truth. The truth that will surely put people in jail. He's prepared to testify against everyone who has lied to him. I came into my job with a group of 20+ people, half of whom are from Penn State. Two left work immediately today and went back home to support Joe Pa.

Ask those people where he was when he was first told of this heinous act and failed to be a man and take it upon himself to make sure it never happened again.
Tell the truth now???? 

When the monster is being watched like a hawk and cant hurt anybody after being arrested????

After all these other childrens lives were ruined????

Give me a break.
Originally Posted by grusumm18

Originally Posted by abovelegit1
in my line of owrk, failure to act is negligence...he's lucky hes a just a fb coach...and doesnt live in ca
I'm aware, that's why I said it wasn't specifically a crime.
Damn, 20? What's the figure alleged in the grand jury report? 
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


Over all these years, I wouldn't be surprised if actual victims was over 100.

I have no doubt in my mind that Sandusky was sexually abused as a child at that boys home his parents moved into.

These kids didn't deserve this and ppl had a chance to stop it, and didn't.

I can't keep reading this *@+%, it puts me in such a bad space mentally.
If Sandusky was subjected to the same things, I feel sorry that he had to go through it and it sheds a light on what may have caused him to do so. It by no means condones it tho or takes away the way I feel about him or what shuld happen to him.
There's nothing Paterno can say at this point to justify his inaction. It's in the grand jury report that he said the GA came to him and told him of an inappropriate sexual incident in the shower, and that's what he said he reported to the AD during questioning a year ago. And SANDUSKY WAS STILL HANGING AROUND THE FACILITIES LAST *+@%@%% WEEK. His statement about being fooled is a load of crap; in his own words he said the GA told him something inappropriate happened in the shower and it was of a sexual nature. If it was a big enough deal that he had to be called in to testify last year, why was Sandusky still allowed to hang around and have an office, and run his camps?

I knew nesta was close to the situation. No way an outside observer could give JoePa that kind of benefit of the doubt.
I don't even want to go to the game this weekend; I find it hard to even look at my Penn State stuff right now
Originally Posted by fearthenut

nestasprotege, care to answer?
I know why I support and defend Joe Paterno. I believe in not jumping to conclusions and the court of law. I believe in waiting for all the facts to be revealed before throwing a man to the wolves. I don't know Sandusky from Adam, but I have seen Joe Paterno speak in public and read of his charity. This is not a person who would allow a scandal of this magnitude to be swept under the rug if he knew all of the facts.

Matt Millen had me choked up watching him break down. This is an unfortunate situation that has created harm beyond repair. Ultimately, McQueary chose his career over going to the police with an eye witness report of sexual abuse. I place most of the blame on him and the rest on the AD.
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro


Maybe Joe Pa didn't know.  Maybe the DA figured he could slip this one past the old man.  I don't know, but Joe Pa better use that as an excuse or somethin'.
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