The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 
And you have no idea how those children will be affected for the rest of their lives, this scandal will change Penn State forever? How about the families who will deal with this forever. Selfishness.  Step out of your bubble for a second and realize that someone has it worse because of someone associated with your university. You are just as bad as the students rallying. Pathetic excuse.

Have you read my posts in this thread? I went on a long rant about how these kids are %@!*%$ forever. I had an hour long conversation each with my mother and father about this very fact so please don't call me selfish. The janitor who caught them already has dementia! My gosh. 
I'll be damned if these victims don't commit suicide or become predators themselves. 

Reading is fundamental, that is all. 
We=you right? Exactly.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I expected the support. By condemning JoePa, we are condemning Happy Valley.
This is what happens when a place doesn't have much to bring to the table expect football. They rally around someone or something that makes them feel better than they actually are. They won't let go of that so easily, if ever.
Yes, football is much bigger than it should be here. But saying we don't have much to bring to the table is pure blasphemy. I'm sorry but we are more than just football at Penn State.
And I retract my statement about students and alums. It wasn't the best put or the best time to say it. I will no longer press that issue. 

But regarding my other post, is anyone willing to start a small charity or fundraiser for child abuse awareness or something along those lines?
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by HankMoody

I expected the support. By condemning JoePa, we are condemning Happy Valley.
This is what happens when a place doesn't have much to bring to the table expect football. They rally around someone or something that makes them feel better than they actually are. They won't let go of that so easily, if ever.
Yes, football is much bigger than it should be here. But saying we don't have much to bring to the table is pure blasphemy. I'm sorry but we are more than just football at Penn State.
And I retract my statement about students and alums. It wasn't the best put or the best time to say it. I will no longer press that issue. 

But regarding my other post, is anyone willing to start a small charity or fundraiser for child abuse awareness or something along those lines?

Why dont you start one on campus?
Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

And you have no idea how those children will be affected for the rest of their lives, this scandal will change Penn State forever? How about the families who will deal with this forever. Selfishness.  Step out of your bubble for a second and realize that someone has it worse because of someone associated with your university. You are just as bad as the students rallying. Pathetic excuse.

Have you read my posts in this thread? I went on a long rant about how these kids are %@!*%$ forever. I had an hour long conversation each with my mother and father about this very fact so please don't call me selfish. The janitor who caught them already has dementia! My gosh. 
I'll be damned if these victims don't commit suicide or become predators themselves. 

Reading is fundamental, that is all. 
We=you right? Exactly.

I'm done arguing about my stance and I don't believe I have to explain myself. Maybe I'll change my view point once Paterno speaks, maybe not. We'll see. Until then, let's just stick to the news shall we. 

Board of trustees meeting this Friday but the agenda is not yet clear. Governer Corbett is likely to be there. 
Are you kidding me? Your employees at that level represent the institution. They showed poor character, and cover up of this guys actions. So why the hell are you crying about undeserved scrutiny and what this will do to Penn State? We HAVE to condemn this as a society. It's our duty as civilized human beings.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by Ghenges

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 
When did Ghenges mention their actions representing the entire school? You just made those words up and put them in his mouth for no reason...

And as a student who was at VT on April 16th I probably have a little bit of an idea of what you think you're "going through" with news reporters invading your campus. Woe is you. No offense but you sound kinda sheltered and not empathetic at all by saying "look at what we have to go through." I totally understand that you don't want the rest of the world to think of this incident whenever they hear Penn State because it's a special place to you and you know that it's filled with great people. Tragedies can definitely bring a community together but rallying around the football coach who was clearly in the wrong should not be the way to do it. How about a show of support for the victims and holding the parties who were responsible accountable for what happened? You know what the best way would be to show the rest of the world what Penn State is about? To stand up and say that you're going to hold people accountable and do what's right, ESPECIALLY when it's not convenient. Something that Joe Pa and the rest of the administration didn't do. It seems as if many students and alumni are taking that stance, and I applaud them for it. But the people cheering outside of Joe Pa's house are not representing the university very well and show a severe lack of perspective.

I know Joe Pa means everything to the Penn State community, but I can't help but feel that if he practiced what he has preached for so many years he would step down and express remorse. It still sounds to me like you have not read the Grand Jury indictment or you wouldn't be talking about how we don't know all the facts and he deserves a chance to explain himself etc. He was questioned and relayed that the GA told him there was an inappropriate sex act in the shower with a kid; that's what he told the Grand Jury in his own words. He reported it to the AD and then never did anything whatsoever to find out if it was true, or make sure the kid who was molested received help/counseling. If he didn't believe the credibility of the witness, why the hell would he promote him to WR coach and recruiting coordinator? Several years later he is brought in for questioning about the incident again, so clearly there was something to the allegation. Even after he is questioned again about an incident where Sandusky is harming children, he still continued to allow Sandusky to run his camps, have an office and work out on campus up until last week. What else do you need to know? What can he possibly say that would vindicate him?
If we are to supposed to believe paterno's gj testimony , we are then supposed to believe after being told this by his GA and former QB that he didn't have ANY follow up questions for his GA about " inappropriate horseplay in the shower between a 50 yr old man & a 9 yr old boy" ...

Just think bout what he testified to.

That supposed timeline of events should not sit right with anyone
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by Ghenges

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 
When did Ghenges mention their actions representing the entire school? You just made those words up and put them in his mouth for no reason...

And as a student who was at VT on April 16th I probably have a little bit of an idea of what you think you're "going through" with news reporters invading your campus. Woe is you. No offense but you sound kinda sheltered and not empathetic at all by saying "look at what we have to go through." I totally understand that you don't want the rest of the world to think of this incident whenever they hear Penn State because it's a special place to you and you know that it's filled with great people. Tragedies can definitely bring a community together but rallying around the football coach who was clearly in the wrong should not be the way to do it. How about a show of support for the victims and holding the parties who were responsible accountable for what happened? You know what the best way would be to show the rest of the world what Penn State is about? To stand up and say that you're going to hold people accountable and do what's right, ESPECIALLY when it's not convenient. Something that Joe Pa and the rest of the administration didn't do. It seems as if many students and alumni are taking that stance, and I applaud them for it. But the people cheering outside of Joe Pa's house are not representing the university very well and show a severe lack of perspective.

Exactly what I was trying to say.
JoePa isnt exactly a saint in this thing, but this is a WIDDDDDDDE sweeping, cross campus plague. Campus PD knew about this in 1993 I believe. We can say "why didnt Paterno go to cops?" all day, but why didnt the Campus PD, the grad student who saw it, the PLAYERS AND STAFF who according to them that this has been an "open secret" since the early 90s..., go to the cops or the school president, or the media, or whatever? JoePa isnt the only one whos going down for this.

Urban Meyer is going to come in and clear house of anyone involved with this program for 5+ years.
Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 
When did Ghenges mention their actions representing the entire school? You just made those words up and put them in his mouth for no reason...

And as a student who was at VT on April 16th I probably have a little bit of an idea of what you think you're "going through" with news reporters invading your campus. Woe is you. No offense but you sound kinda sheltered and not empathetic at all by saying "look at what we have to go through." I totally understand that you don't want the rest of the world to think of this incident whenever they hear Penn State because it's a special place to you and you know that it's filled with great people. Tragedies can definitely bring a community together but rallying around the football coach who was clearly in the wrong should not be the way to do it. How about a show of support for the victims and holding the parties who were responsible accountable for what happened? You know what the best way would be to show the rest of the world what Penn State is about? To stand up and say that you're going to hold people accountable and do what's right, ESPECIALLY when it's not convenient. Something that Joe Pa and the rest of the administration didn't do. It seems as if many students and alumni are taking that stance, and I applaud them for it. But the people cheering outside of Joe Pa's house are not representing the university very well and show a severe lack of perspective.

Exactly what I was trying to say.
Luck, I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth I just misinterpreted your message. But yeah I feel where you are coming from. I'm not saying I agree with the rioters nor disagree. I'm just trying to put you in their perspective. I'm not justifying it in one bit. 
But yeah, I appreciate the insight 5am. Helps put things into perspective.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

When did Ghenges mention their actions representing the entire school? You just made those words up and put them in his mouth for no reason...

And as a student who was at VT on April 16th I probably have a little bit of an idea of what you think you're "going through" with news reporters invading your campus. Woe is you. No offense but you sound kinda sheltered and not empathetic at all by saying "look at what we have to go through." I totally understand that you don't want the rest of the world to think of this incident whenever they hear Penn State because it's a special place to you and you know that it's filled with great people. Tragedies can definitely bring a community together but rallying around the football coach who was clearly in the wrong should not be the way to do it. How about a show of support for the victims and holding the parties who were responsible accountable for what happened? You know what the best way would be to show the rest of the world what Penn State is about? To stand up and say that you're going to hold people accountable and do what's right, ESPECIALLY when it's not convenient. Something that Joe Pa and the rest of the administration didn't do. It seems as if many students and alumni are taking that stance, and I applaud them for it. But the people cheering outside of Joe Pa's house are not representing the university very well and show a severe lack of perspective.

Exactly what I was trying to say.
Luck, I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth I just misinterpreted your message. But yeah I feel where you are coming from. I'm not saying I agree with the rioters nor disagree. I'm just trying to put you in their perspective. I'm not justifying it in one bit. 
But yeah, I appreciate the insight 5am. Helps put things into perspective.
Didn't say you were justifying it, just saying wrong place wrong time for that discussion, but you owned up to it. Good luck to Penn State, they will need it.
Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

People who rally for things like that should have those "things" done to them and see how they like it. Disgusting.

they are not rallying for the 'THINGS' that were done. they are rallying in support of someone that built the entire town and school into what it is and is being accused of not doing anything and is getting ran out. people are assuming the worst of Joe and if you know anything about they guy, you know what he stands for.... and he definitely wouldn't stand for this
How do you lnow Joe, though? Stories like these are exactly why I don't 'hero-ize' people I only know through screens or speakers. Sure, I look up to guys like David Robinson, Grant Hill, Ken Griffey, Jr, etc, but if I found out, for example, that D-Rob has a crippling heroine addiction, I wouldn't be surprised at all. I'd like to think he's above that, but I don't know that dude.

24 hrs ago, I would have thought there's no WAY JoePa would turn a blind eye to anything remotely CLOSE to anything like this. Now I know that's exactly what he has done, at least to some degree.
af1 I apologize if I came across like I was attacking you or anything, wasn't consciously trying to. Obviously this case has a lot of us pretty angry because of all the kids whose lives have been affected, but I'm not trying to take out that frustration on you or anyone else.
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by kix4kix

The most bizarre aspect of this story thus far


So the DA killed himself over the case...
More power than a DA = This goes deeper than I could have ever imagined. The fried laptop is what makes me really wonder how high this thing goes. Also, why fry the laptop if you are going to kill yourself anyway? Something isn't adding up.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by Ruxxx


So the DA killed himself over the case...
More power than a DA = This goes deeper than I could have ever imagined. The fried laptop is what makes me really wonder how high this thing goes. Also, why fry the laptop if you are going to kill yourself anyway? Something isn't adding up.

Man chill this cant be life 
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by Ruxxx


So the DA killed himself over the case...
More power than a DA = This goes deeper than I could have ever imagined. The fried laptop is what makes me really wonder how high this thing goes. Also, why fry the laptop if you are going to kill yourself anyway? Something isn't adding up.

Exactly what I said when I read it.  Maybe...

...murdered for knowing too much?

...given a large sum of money and told to get out of town?

We need Benson and Stabler for this +@++. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Stories like these are exactly why I don't 'hero-ize' people I only know through screens or speakers.
Headline article on ESPN sums up my feelings in the end..
In the coming weeks and months, much discussion will center on the survival of Spanier and especially Paterno. Paterno had two honorable, immediate options: acknowledgement of his massive failure and resignation. He did neither at first opportunity, more proof that being bigger than his university comes at no cost to him. Never mind the ruins he will leave behind. Paterno has said that if the allegations are true Sandusky then fooled everyone, but he didn't. He didn't fool Paterno because Paterno has known about this since 2002. He was told face-to-face, point blank without ambiguity.

Should Paterno finally do the right thing and resign, thousands of eyes will be wet with sadness and nostalgia, pain and hurt for the old man. Magnitudes fewer people will talk about Victim 1 or Victim 2 or Victims 3 through 8, or the lives they now face because football and the big coach from the big football school with the big name were considered more important. Few people in the stands will talk about the horrific Justice Department statistics: Children who suffer abuse, sexual abuse included, are 59 percent more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28 percent more likely to be arrested as an adult and 30 percent more likely to commit violent crime. These numbers tell us there is a good chance that lives have been ruined before even being given a chance. This is the price of Penn State's failure, the failure of power. Whatever tears exist for Paterno and his football legacy should be saved for the children.


What else is there to say, just a tragic and disgusting story. I understand the sports world will focus on Paterno particularly, but the kids are the victims and we need to focus on them, not Joe.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

af1 I apologize if I came across like I was attacking you or anything, wasn't consciously trying to. Obviously this case has a lot of us pretty angry because of all the kids whose lives have been affected, but I'm not trying to take out that frustration on you or anyone else.
No worries, you honestly did make good points and I truly appreciate your insight. It's just a tense situation for the entire country right now and it's very easy for people to get mad at every one. 
Just came back from the riots since 10 pm. @@@+ was crazy. Started at the Old Main building where Spanier works. Then to Beaver avenue then back to old main, then to the football stadium, then back to old main. At some point, Spanier snuck out the side and was police escorted which is surprising no one noticed because there were at least 1-2k people out there. Riot police with tear gas everywhere.


Tons of "#$%! Sandusky" chants and "Fire Spanier" chants. A lot of people supporting Joe which is understandable. No one is really protesting his actions but moreso that fact they are forcing him out. 

While you may not agree with the reason for protest or not, it truly is an amazing sight to be a part of. And the fact that so many students come together to support this man is insane.

A lot of "We Are...Penn State" chants going around. A guy made a speech and made a very good point. He said we will not let this scandal ruin what we the students do. It will not ruin what we do inside the classroom and all the extracurriculars that we have. 
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