The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

I know it was said but those reporters were morans. Sad really. Children were sexually assaulted and you ask stupidty about legal fees and the strength of the University?????

NoneofYours - As I said earlier, I believe they can if they determined the coaching staff new about the incidents leading back to 1998. I truly feel the team was the cover up and Sandusky brought kids to the campus and to the team when it was closed to no non Penn State personal.

But you got to separate all that and it could be difficult.
That press conference was ridiculous. Hardly any mention of the kids, but instead grilling the guy on all things Paterno. Not to mention the whole tone of the conference that suggested people were seriously upset that Paterno was ousted and that it was the wrong decision...You've gotta be kidding me people. Angers me.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Had to done.

Even for his own good, guy was delusional enough to think he could walk into Columbus and Madison in the following weeks. completely out of touch with reality. And Apparently, has been since 2002-- at least.
and look now at the students 651. this whole thing is getting worse and worse. Where was the Chairman of The Board??????? That was the vice chair that spoke.
Joe buried himself by not retiring effectively immediately this morning. Ironically, it exemplifies his tenure towards the ladder part of his career. He was so aloof and disconnected from reality that he honestly thought that he could dictate the terms of this situation even in these dire circumstances, and supersede himself over the university. The decision exuded arrogance and ultimately cost him the opportunity of exiting on his own terms.

Though I love college football, and am deeply saddened about the loss of an icon, firing him immediately was the correct decision.
John Grisham couldn't have written a crazier story. The DA, Ray Gricar at the time decides not to press charges in 1998 & goes missing & now declared dead. His car abandoned in Lewisburg & hard drive found in the Susquehanna river. President of psu, AD, Sr VP of Finance, & head coach cover everything up. Jay Bilas said it best, conspiracy of cowards...
I doubt there would be any kind of sanctions from the NCAA. This doesn't involve student athletes. It's a criminal matter regarding staff members.
It was pretty odd that so many reporters sounded hostile toward the guy.
It was the right decision.  Having him out there would have just made the situation worse.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I know it was said but those reporters were morans. Sad really. Children were sexually assaulted and you ask stupidty about legal fees and the strength of the University?????

NoneofYours - As I said earlier, I believe they can if they determined the coaching staff new about the incidents leading back to 1998. I truly feel the team was the cover up and Sandusky brought kids to the campus and to the team when it was closed to no non Penn State personal.

But you got to separate all that and it could be difficult.

Thanks man --- I was getting in a debate with some friends on twitter and they were tryin to say it was strictly a legal matter.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

and look now at the students 651. this whole thing is getting worse and worse. Where was the Chairman of The Board??????? That was the vice chair that spoke.

If they riot...
Originally Posted by Wings90

It was pretty odd that so many reporters sounded hostile toward the guy.

That's because most of them weren't real reporters. They were hacks. Sounded like fans, not reporters. They weren't asking questions as much as they were attacking the Trustee's and the CORRECT decision they made.
It was embarrassing on behalf of the media and Penn State.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

and look now at the students 651. this whole thing is getting worse and worse. Where was the Chairman of The Board??????? That was the vice chair that spoke.

If they riot...

It looks like it is going to happen; I go to a branch campus and people are already driving 30min just to riot. 
Don't let these idiot students determine the Penn State family as a whole, I don't even think they even understand why they are rioting
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by Wings90

It was pretty odd that so many reporters sounded hostile toward the guy.

That's because most of them weren't real reporters. They were hacks. Sounded like fans, not reporters. They weren't asking questions as much as they were attacking the Trustee's and the CORRECT decision they made.
It was embarrassing on behalf of the media and Penn State.
pretty sure they were student reporters and/or local town reporters without any real credentials or experience

"in light of recent events, i'll be retiring at the end of the season"

"oh no you won't. you're fired"


NCAA should really just shut down the program for a couple of years.
Don't like 50K people go to that school? Bound to be some bamas.

Hilarious that there would be some 18-22 year olds who worship an old ### man like THAT. I mean, c'mon.
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