The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

A lot of Penn State students are really making their school look even worse right now

they may not be representative of the student body as a whole, but this is what we're all seeing right now

complete idiots. bring out the riot squads to beat all these morons
You cant be mad at the kids tho dog.

Joey Pa is iconic on a Micheal Jackson level if you will..
Hopefully Mike McQueary resigns his position soon. If I was on the team, there's no way I'd allow that guy to be around me.
What a crazy world college sports are.

Does anyone else remember the Baylor basketball scandal? Abar Rouse, an assistant at the time recorded Bliss stating his plan etc.. Long story short, he was fired, and has basically been blacklisted from the coaching ranks. He snitched on his boss

Now in no way am I comparing Sandusky to a schools top head coach, like Bliss was, and McQueary as an assistant.. But had anyone said anything, life ruined.. It's either ruined then, or when it all came out days ago.

Neither case is too off base. I bet so many are withholding so much crazy and twisted info to protect themselves.. This may only be one of many
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

What a crazy world college sports are.

Does anyone else remember the Baylor basketball scandal? Abar Rouse, an assistant at the time recorded Bliss stating his plan etc.. Long story short, he was fired, and has basically been blacklisted from the coaching ranks. He snitched on his boss

Now in no way am I comparing Sandusky to a schools top head coach, like Bliss was, and McQueary as an assistant.. But had anyone say anything, life ruined.. It's either ruined then, or when it all came out days ago.

I agree 100%.  The same thing happens in the corporate world with whistleblowers.  The company gets punished and the whistleblower gets blackballed.!/jon_wertheim/status/134482548444237824/photo/1

I live 15 miles from there, went there for 4 years, and I can say that I do not agree with anything going on by the students. When we rioted for beating OSU or something in 2007, it was fun cause it was more of a celebration... but this is just wrong. If they damage anything I will be extremely disappointed
Problem is these are 18-19 yr old students who are just following the lead of others, I'd be out there to witness this but not riot and that is a lot of what you are seeing but some will go too far.

And you have to understand what Joe Pa means to people in that area, I think some people need to stop being so judgmental and stop acting like the majority is pro Joe Pa because they aren't but why would the media cover those people?
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Had to done.

Even for his own good, guy was delusional enough to think he could walk into Columbus and Madison in the following weeks. completely out of touch with reality. And Apparently, has been since 2002-- at least.
The students are attacking media members and camera men. Students who agree with decision are refusing to speak on camera for fear of being attacked.

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Don't let these idiot students determine the Penn State family as a whole, I don't even think they even understand why they are rioting
Thats what I'm thinking.
Anyone on or around Penn State's campus, keep us updated with pics, info, things like that...

Could get worse as they night goes on.
Now I'm watching MSNBC (got to support my job) and a SI Columnist is saying paterno needs to come out and say something to stop these students from doing something stupid
From tumblr

Downtown State College, same street that my apartment is on 

Light posts being torn down, fireworks, tear gas 
So they riot over anything out there? Arts festival riots.. Basketball game loss riots.

Not a good look. Watch them try and burn down the stadium
Those students just like Joe Pa, unfortunately, just don't get it. It's sad, man. This aint about football anymore. 
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