The RETRO Gaming Thread!


You gotta admit though, Shaq Fu was a pretty awful game. I remember my cousin bought it new and we were both disappointed, so we went bike riding around the neighborhood instead. I remember it well because he was purposely farting while riding and he "had an accident" so we headed back home :rofl:

So bad it was good imo. Even tho i only beat like the first three dudes because it was so hard i still had fun trying lol
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I am not knocking anyone. I come in peace.

But for those of you that are infatuated with physical systems and cartridges, what is your reasoning for not going the "digital route?
It's just not the same. I'd rather have physical copies and the instruction booklets.
Oh ok. Actually playing the game isn't enough to fulfill that feeling?

Don't get me wrong, I will have my old systems but it is because I never got rid of them, I never went out and rebought them though.
A lot of changes come with the digital version. Like the sound and music quality of Sonic games, sounded horrible on the digital version. Had to go back and play the original to make sure I wasn't trippin, and I wasn't. Or the digital version of Turtles In Time. So many changes took away from the original experience. They actually got the digital version of the arcade game right, though.
Although I don't own any retro consoles (I primarily do my retro gaming thru emulators on my PSP), there's nothing like having that OG controller in your hands.
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I understand completely. Wasn't bashing.

I need to post more in this thread instead of posting in that loserish wrestling thread
Join us :lol: . Wrestling been dead for so long. Judging by your avy you should be ashamed of yourself for still watching. They don't make em like him anymore.
The Legend of Zelda is now 30 years old. It was released in Japan on February 21, 1986 for the Famicom Disk System. It was released on the NES 18 months later on August 22, 1987.


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