The RETRO Gaming Thread!






3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23 , super dope pick ups as usual bro! Love it! I see they’re starting to raise the prices on cartridges though, or were they always that price?

Good times with Twisted Metal 2.
That one is my favorite of all the series. That includes all the other newer consoles. Just a fun game all around.
3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23 , super dope pick ups as usual bro! Love it! I see they’re starting to raise the prices on cartridges though, or were they always that price?

That one is my favorite of all the series. That includes all the other newer consoles. Just a fun game all around.

different thrifts :frown: I usually go on 25% off days
Slim pickings at the thrift store today but I did just pick up a spare Sega Genesis (model 1) for $5. No cables or controllers, just the console. Hooked it up and it works! Got myself a spare in case one goes bad. Now if only I could come across a Sega Master system that easily, haha.

I used to have a Master System... and I lefty controller, for some reason. Funny story, way back in the day I think the SMS was my first system, but then my mom bought me Burger Time on the NES, so I eventually got one of those too. Unfortunately I gave away my Master System to my friend Ben when we were kids because he didn't really have ****.
different thrifts :frown: I usually go on 25% off days
All good, you’re still on top even at those prices :pimp:

Unfortunately I gave away my Master System to my friend Ben when we were kids because he didn't really have ****.
That’s dope, he probably still remembers you for that kind gesture. Seems so insignificant at the moment but once the years pass by and they’re able to reflect it hits them in a good way :emoji_thumbsup:

Edit: Almost forgot. I found a Sony Trinitron crt in the alley. Yes....I took it home :rofl:

It works perfectly too. I see a seller on eBay has an exact one listed for $500 :wow:

Purely aesthetically talking, I missed my GBC, had this one and it looked so beautiful, GBA was hideous with classic GB cartridges way too tall for it, I dislike GBA cartridges too, love classic GB cartridges, their floppy disks look, loved floppy disks, again as objects, because a lot of old stuff is obsolete and among all of this, there's a lot I don't care, N64 pads were awful, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark are great games, but what if N64 pads were actually good like XBOX 360 pad ? Because the way you play a game influe on how you enjoy it, we have enjoyed great games with bad pads, and some bad games could still be playable with good ones, even if there's no fun, so, what if Rareware has developped those 2 great games and even more of FPS on PC ? Because playing to Doom on consoles wasn't great, while on PC it was something, so if a FPS is already great on console...

I have one day to play more Dreamcast games, I love how it is basically an arcade console, at a time when arcades were still something, and before Dreamcast came, you would never have those graphics at home, and then it came and changed the game. Funny how hardware is nothing in success terms. Dreamcast was the most powerful, Nintendo behind it, and then PlayStation, and the greatest seller was the weakest in terms of power. I still remember how Soul Calibur on Dreamcast was beautiful for the time when it came out and still today. They were clearly in the future. What if we had Sega power, Nintendo multi and Playstation cinematics/adult content ?

Pocket consoles like magazines or cameras are no longer what they used to be now with smartphones you can have it all, and it's a great thing, but pocket consoles got something living room consoles haven't : memories. We all have memories for living room consoles, but it's even more specific for pocket consoles, as are kids when we had them that was a good way for parents to bring us in places where we would get annoyed. How much time could have been lost to bore ourselves if pocket video games didn't exist ? Plus video games develops imagination for some of them, and perseverance. Funny to think about past when hip hop and video games were always mentionned as a problem and nowadays everybody's in what yesterday was considered as weird, elitist or sectarian...

I succeed a few time ago to damage my 8Bitdo pad, and I never experimented a greater pad than XBOX 360's one, triggers and joysticks are on point, just not a fan of the cross


For what I remember, that was a good pad, problem with SNES' one was when it came to fighting games or to Asterix as you got some Track and Field (######) gameplay where you had to push the button very quickly...

Some games really have some special effects on us, never stopped loving The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle Game Boy version from 1989. It represents what I like in video games : basic gameplay but efficient, simple but smart, and still funny, nothing elitist but you got to think, and no worries, it would be challenging not discouraging. That's where good video games are : they manage to make you try and try again, while bad ones just don't deserve us to make efforts...

At a time, like many people, I thought freedom was a good thing in video games, but it's not always true, some linear aspects permit to tell a story and to keep your attention, the best is to have objectives, and then to have freedom about how to accomplish them. Maintaining us in some scenario is a good thing, but cinematics really exasperate me. The better games I played there was not a single one, or a few short ones. Linear, ok, but you got to be active at least. No need to watch cinematics or to be lost in a RPG game with too many things to do and not a single one to enjoy.

Video games I like are no longer to exist as cinematics seem to be the thing since a long time ago, and gameplay become more complicating, with games that want you to feel free giving you anything to do even if you don't care. I miss the immersion I had with The Ultimate Doom / GoldenEye / Perfect Dark, unique atmospheres...

Classic FPS with modern graphics, but not too many details for nothing : I'm in !

Any fans of the series?

Just picked up SotN and Rondo Of Blood that was on sale at the psn store.

Hated Lords of Shadow 2.

Any fans of the series?

Just picked up SotN and Rondo Of Blood that was on sale at the psn store.

Hated Lords of Shadow 2.
Great series. Sotn is the best castlevania ever followed by aria and dawn of sorrow. Look out for a sale on the anniversary collection on Psn if you don’t have it already.
Ain't the OSSC cheaper tho

The 'OG' is about $200, the eBay clones are cheaper. I've had the 'OG' OSSC for a few years now, it gets the job done very well but it only got an OSD (on screen display) menu last year and you really have to tweak it to dial in the settings.

I think this gets you the best possible display automatically plus the switching form 240P/480i is seamless.
Got love for Twitch as old video games are concerned + when you haven't got the optical fiber, because same games on YouTube live were laggy if I'm not mistaken
Love it so much I streamed 7h40min :rofl:
First I was tired, and I didn't want to go sleep early on a friday as I tried to be more reasonnable these days...
If other games with GoldenEye engine existed it would be perfect, love it, and it's not demanding for your eyes as Doom or Duke Nukem, as those two ones got the graphics they got + the fact they're fast FPS + they got amount of secrets, already said but those kind of games really got a great level design, reason why they're so dope...

Perfect Dark / GoldenEye/Doom/Duke Nukem 3D and others
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