the thread about nothing...

played ball with my older brother, he's 6 4 with monkey arms, I'm 6 even. took those L's gracefully today. 
I always see these "triggered" meme's and im like who are these people.....

whelp first run in with a staunch feminist this weekend


At a BBQ girl tells this story (i will paraphrase) on why she isn't friends with this girl anymore.

"We were out at the bar, i went to the bathroom and told my friend to hold my jacket. I get back and she is gone. My jacket had my ID and credit card in it. So i was pissed i left and went to her house...she was there with this dude that we met at the bar that she said was a complete loser. She had my jacket though so i grabbed it and left. So now we aren't friends"

I was like that is the funny thing about guys and girls if that were 2 guys and in the same situation. Id go to his house knock on the door and he would be like "oh went home with this girl here is your jacket i didn't want to leave it at the bar" I would be like nice man totally understand *high five* good luck with that in there im gonna roll.

Feminist party goer: Oh so all women are dramatic and men aren't is that what you are saying?
Me: Uh no just a social observation that what can ruin a friendship to some can be a positive to others
Feminist party goer: Oh because all girls are petty right?
Me: Uh no i wasn't making a sweeping generalization on all women and their capacity for rational vs emotional thought. It was just a comment you are really taking this way to far
Feminist party goer: Ok sure you are a pig and what is wrong with society and men
Me: I am sorry
I mean....i would wait til my friend got back from the bathroom before i just dissapeared with no explanation
Esp if he asked me to hold sumthin of his.

It doesnt take that long to use the bathroom lol

But i wouldnt unfriend someone if they did that to me.
Lotta dumb decisions get made with the alcohol

Not a feminist btw
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Yeah i def understand being angry about it....but like if its my boy id be like eh you could have left it with another friend or just waited...but like whatever....i will see you tomorrow. Not i am no longer friends with them...seemed real petty.

But i def felt the wrath
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1. Depends on the friendship level and if that was the last straw with said friend.

2. Brand of jacket is crucial in this situation; Nike Windrunner—no. LV Blue fox fur—you're done!

3. A text would've been nice either way given the contents of the jacket.
I always see these "triggered" meme's and im like who are these people.....

whelp first run in with a staunch feminist this weekend


At a BBQ girl tells this story (i will paraphrase) on why she isn't friends with this girl anymore.

"We were out at the bar, i went to the bathroom and told my friend to hold my jacket. I get back and she is gone. My jacket had my ID and credit card in it. So i was pissed i left and went to her house...she was there with this dude that we met at the bar that she said was a complete loser. She had my jacket though so i grabbed it and left. So now we aren't friends"

I was like that is the funny thing about guys and girls if that were 2 guys and in the same situation. Id go to his house knock on the door and he would be like "oh went home with this girl here is your jacket i didn't want to leave it at the bar" I would be like nice man totally understand *high five* good luck with that in there im gonna roll.

Feminist party goer: Oh so all women are dramatic and men aren't is that what you are saying?
Me: Uh no just a social observation that what can ruin a friendship to some can be a positive to others
Feminist party goer: Oh because all girls are petty right?
Me: Uh no i wasn't making a sweeping generalization on all women and their capacity for rational vs emotional thought. It was just a comment you are really taking this way to far
Feminist party goer: Ok sure you are a pig and what is wrong with society and men
Me: I am sorry
Why did you apologize?

Reverse her BS logic on her. Disarm her from the beginning with: "Yeah, all women are dramatic especially the goofy one I'm talking to right now (her)."

If she doesn't get it, f--k with her some more. Don't ever use your rational logic to combat her emotion-based logic. 

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bruh it was a group of us like 10 people at a casual cook out. I met 6 of the 10 people there for the first time. The girl told her story i made my comment and this was another girl who just jumped in

like "a wild feminist appears" type situation.

I was like yeah...sorry this is awkward everyone is just staring and its a fun cookout everyone drinking having a good time...i ain't trying to have a throw down yelling match. I was like abort this conversation immediately sorry im sorry yeah cool sorry yep im sorry k bout them O's! am i right???!
bruh it was a group of us like 10 people at a casual cook out. I met 6 of the 10 people there for the first time. The girl told her story i made my comment and this was another girl who just jumped in

like "a wild feminist appears" type situation.

I was like yeah...sorry this is awkward everyone is just staring and its a fun cookout everyone drinking having a good time...i ain't trying to have a throw down yelling match. I was like abort this conversation immediately sorry im sorry yeah cool sorry yep im sorry k bout them O's! am i right???!
Damn, sounds like the odds were stacked against you.

Take it as a learning experience to not engage with a Wild Feminist. Worst comes to worst, hit her with the 1-hit KO Hyper Beam.
bruh it was a group of us like 10 people at a casual cook out. I met 6 of the 10 people there for the first time. The girl told her story i made my comment and this was another girl who just jumped in

like "a wild feminist appears" type situation.

I was like yeah...sorry this is awkward everyone is just staring and its a fun cookout everyone drinking having a good time...i ain't trying to have a throw down yelling match. I was like abort this conversation immediately sorry im sorry yeah cool sorry yep im sorry k bout them O's! am i right???!

How long was she in the restroom that her friend had enough time to get home [emoji]129300[/emoji]

I have no clue. The bar they were at though regularly has a bathroom line that could be pretty long. I know ive waiting for 10 mins before to use the guys bathroom.
Hung up on my ex I haven't been in a real relationship since. Fwbs don't cut it for me, they don't help the loneliness

Keep busy.
Pursue your hobbies/interests.
Work hard at your career/passions.
Spend time with your family/friends.
Game other birds.
Meet new people.

Only thing that will help is time. Some of these may make time pass by quicker (which will help). Hang in there homie, most of us have all been there. Keep your head up bro
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