the thread about nothing...

Idk, like I said her body isn't that special and in terms of looks I can definitely think of better looking women but there's just something about her that I find extremely sexy. I'm just not sure what exactly that "something" is.
I think it just depends on how people judge her sex appeal. Without that she's just a hot woman, which there are plenty of.
Females that i find.... Eh
4)Kim K (sometimes)
5)Selina Gomez

Disclaimer: this is my opinion so dont come after me bros.
Females that i find.... Eh
4)Kim K (sometimes)
5)Selina Gomez

Disclaimer: this is my opinion so dont come after me bros.

Man i had a celly who was obsessed with selena gomez. Dude couldnt read but hed buy all those celeb magazines just for pics of her :lol:

Dude was sick at drawing tho
What you mean he couldn't read??? haha 

Lol he couldnt read, like dude out that movie "Life". It was weird cuz he had mad books too. I asked him if i could read 1 and hes like ya and im like which 1 hes like doesnt matter i cant like at this guy like why tf u got all these books then??
Lol he couldnt read, like dude out that movie "Life". It was weird cuz he had mad books too. I asked him if i could read 1 and hes like ya and im like which 1 hes like doesnt matter i cant like at this guy like why tf u got all these books then??
that has to be some serious crazy **** hahah , i would have **** with quickness haha
that has to be some serious crazy **** hahah , i would have **** with quickness haha

Lol dog hed be reading a magazine and a pic of selena gomez would be in there and hed be like "yo yo come here...whats this say?"...asking me to read the caption.
Lol dog hed be reading a magazine and a pic of selena gomez would be in there and hed be like "yo yo come here...whats this say?"...asking me to read the caption.
oh bro no hahahah , that's some twisted **** , you know what i just forget about the sloppy drunk i had to deal what, this dude that can't read is the gem of the night hahah








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all this crying and "boycotting" united, I'm waiting for them to drop some sweet deals now.
Random thoughts of the morning:

I don't consider myself big like physically....but i think a tank top at the gym should be earned. Like one day i hope to be in great physical condition where a tank top can be worn to the gym. But idk why but i always look at dudes skinnier then me in those golds gym tank-ini's and im should wear a shirt....until you have earned the tank top.

Just give Westbrook the MVP

Light roast coffee has more caffeine? all i drink is dark roast not sure if happy or mad

Dad bought a brand new camry "come out and see the new car" sit in it...whelp its a camry....tried to sound excited

I want flex seal and flex shot and flex tape....just to reenact the infomercial because i have no real use for it all....stuffs expensive
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Man, I wish I could have a night job sometimes. If I found a security job that pays what I'm making now, I'd definitely hop on it :lol:
I know that google has a search history but sometimes when im typing something i feel like it guesses it TOO good.

Or TOO early

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