the thread about nothing...

There's this dude at work who gets me all the time with his voice. He's so big brolic and tough looking but he has the voice of a 12 year old. I can never get used to it :rofl:

A walking, talking south park character for real [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Na, I have the perfect comparison now. Chris Tucker on helium lmao
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Goat cheese on pizza >>>>>

i see things online about how cats think that this may all be a simulation .... i don't believe it.

i mean how could that explain some kid in syria whose parents got blown to bits you know....whats the purpose of that.


sometimes when i cant sleep at night i REALLY think about it....and sometimes there is the slightest slightest slightest little bit of thought that maybe maybeeeee

none of this is real.

and whatever reason there may be behind probably not good.

if you think about it, everything that occurs on this planet is TOO convenient.


In the future, there is pretty much 100% chance that we will be able to create simulated reality (a la westworld or something). Now if we create 1000 alternate simulation, that means there is very good chances that we are acually in one of them and that we are in the future.

There's a vid of elon musk discussing that on youtube.

do you guys smile a lot as your neutral face just walking around? I'm being told by women that I'm not smiling enough and it's douchey

I look mean / pissed on my neutral face. But it doesn't reflect how i feel. My brothers and me are all like that, so when we hang out, we look like a gang of pissed off dudes :lol:
Women definitely don't like to be told to smile more :rofl: I don't know much about women but you don't want to do that. They hear that, a lot and they just get annoyed [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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Women definitely don't like to be told to smile more
I don't know much about women but you don't want to do that. They hear that, a lot and they just get annoyed [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I told a bird not to smile when she's around me and that I hate her gummy smile.
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