the thread about nothing...

*short sleeve hoodie.
Don't knock tights until you try them.
I will carry out great vengeance on them and punish them in my wrath. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I take vengeance on them.
I never been in a situation where it was ever a thought to get back with an ex or an opportunity to do so ever presented itself.

Actually, there was one time, but I realized she was trash when she dumped me and I found someone 10x better. Better looking anyway. She turned out to be trash too. FDB
My girls been on vacation for 2 weeks across the country and we havent been talking much. Hit her a text once every few days so im not smothering her or anything so she can have fun, but she been giving me one word answers. Tonight she told me she doesnt want to talk to me at all the rest of the trip. Should i be worried? i feel like she probbaly found some guy over there and shes gone another week

All I can say is wow, you're doing everything you're suppose to do (working hard and not out doing things that could get you in trouble). She should understand and be more accepting of your career and the time it takes. The fact that she's not even willing to talk sometimes (during the trip) says it all. I don't understand why some people leave their significant other if they're doing the right thing.
My sister scored an interview at a hospital.

It's for heart surgery.

If she gets it. Starting salary is 135,000 :wow:

I really have to go to grad school now. I don't want my little sis to poop all over my salary.
Can’t get this girl out of my mind
we were together for a few years but stopped because i was more focused on my career and doign 80+ hour weeks and she didnt like it, not enough time with her. I've scaled back and im looking to settle down and so is she. We been talking again for a few months and we had the talk that it was for good this time... then she randomly books this trp to see her friend and she been posting a ton with her so i know she is with her. I had some doubts getting back with her , she didnt support me during my stacking money phase, about to buy my first rental separate from my family and i feel like this is might just be it

She wasn't supporting you when you were establishing yourself.

You even admitted you had doubts. You should've listened to your gut.

You're a sexy delicious dude who shouldn't be bothered by the birds. Drop her fast and get you a woman who respects you. Don't tolerate BS behavior.
My neighbor might be getting it in. She's kinda cute, Asian, blue hair and braces :emoji_yellow_heart::emoji_yellow_heart::emoji_yellow_heart::emoji_yellow_heart::emoji_yellow_heart:

EDIT: it was her dog
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I think my friends are trying to flake out for this weekend :smh:
Went from 5 to 3 to now I think just 1.
Me lol
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