the thread about nothing...

I think everyone here would acknowledge that there are problems with this thread.  I don't think it's fair to blame it, as some have, for all of NikeTalk's supposed ills, but we can't have people in here pretending that the rules don't apply, for example.  (Drug talk, porn, piracy, etc. etc.)

It honestly doesn't make sense for people to treat this post as a substitute for the sports forum, music forum, etc.  Then it does become overly cliquish, like something people use to AVOID actually interacting with other users and making use of the full site.  People in the "Am Fam" thread in the sneaker showcase don't use THAT thread to discuss news, music, and so on.  If they did, you'd probably miss out on what those users have to share with you - and that would be a shame.  Most users came here, in part, to communicate with people they didn't already know, yet share similar interests.

This thread works when it's efficient, not when it's inefficient/redundant.  

We have to answer the following:  is it actually a net positive and, more importantly, is it possible to keep the thread while stripping out the aspects of it that ARE counterproductive?  

I do think it will help give everyone some perspective if they see how the General forum will function without this thread for a week.  Anything shorter than that seems useless, as nobody will be forced to adapt their behavior.  

Hopefully we'll just get a better sense of what the relative costs and benefits are to having a "Thread About Nothing."  At that point, we can figure out how we can make it better.

Those of you who've chosen "a side" in this are painting it as an all or nothing scenario.  It doesn't have to be that way.  It's not "well if you're gonna have the thread then it has to be ANYTHING goes" or "all random nonsense deserves its own thread and then we'll let the market decide what's worth keeping on page 1."  You'll find a sensible solution somewhere in between, but, to start, we need to better isolate the actual problem.  

I don't think that's so unreasonable, nor do I think it's cause for panic.  

We already have one group of people overreacting to this thread's very existence.  We don't need another group overreacting to the possibility of its temporary absence or modification.

At the end of the day, it's still NikeTalk and you can still interact with all of your friends here regardless.
A week will fly by like that, and then TAN will be back like nothing happened. 

LOL that guy who posted all the pics and gifs got instantly sniped. I saw one with a profanity in it and then Meth posted in here and I knew what it was
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If/when they lock this, I'll always remember the amount of fun we had in this thread :nthat:


I'm out yo. There doesn't need to be a thread made for every little thing, now because Ninja did enough moaning and complaining this thread is a bad idea? It's been a good run guys.
I do find it funny when people say stuff like "Go back to General" or "Stay in S&T". It's all pretty equal to me.
I'm out yo. There doesn't need to be a thread made for every little thing, now because Ninja did enough moaning and complaining this thread is a bad idea? It's been a good run guys.
This is truly the only thread I frequent on NT.. if it's gone for a week, I'll be out for a week. Ninja got his wish.. with this thread gone General wont be General no more now..
This thread works when it's efficient, not when it's inefficient/redundant.  

We have to answer the following:  is it actually a net positive and, more importantly, is it possible to keep the thread while stripping out the aspects of it that ARE counterproductive?  
I hear ya Meth. I believe this thread can still exist while it won't negate the flow of NT General. Thats on us as the posters taking more accountability for the content we choose to post in here and outside of General (from both sides of the argument)

I'm down for the lock, I love this thread but I'm also for trying things to better NT..I've been on this site for years prior to this thread ever existing and I'll probably be on here moving forward

I'm going to laugh a year from now when NT falls off again for whatever the next reason will be

Edit: The more Ninja post about this thread the more I feel like it's a personal crusade now. Like others have posted about the negatives this thread does have and it's given out respectfully and some posters have even thrown out solutions of their own to better NT and better this thread....except Ninja
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I think we should have a mod/admin monitor this thread. One of our own.

If user reporting within this thread were more consistent, there would be fewer problems.  

Ultimately, if you care about something you have to take responsibility for it.  If somebody's making a mess in your house, you don't just leave it there and assume a janitor will come along and clean it up for you.  You're going to confront the person who's making a mess of your home and show them how to handle themselves responsibly.  

We don't have the ability to assign a staff member to this thread 24/7.  You guys know what the rules are.  You care about the community. 

The difference between you and an admin is that an admin can input a ban.  Okay... but if multiple users report a post then a ban can easily be made by an active admin - and usually within a matter of minutes.  The best way to make neighborhoods safer isn't to arm all the citizens with guns.  

This thread could be much better for everyone if we all shared the responsibility for its upkeep more equally.  

When we do lock the thread for a week, I hope people will use some of that time to think about ways in which it can be improved.  That way, when the week is over, even IF people prefer the way the forum flowed WITHOUT this thread in place, you'll still have the opportunity to use it in such a way that the forums get even better.  And that, really, is what all of us want.  
I think we should have a mod/admin monitor this thread. One of our own.

This prob wont happen, but its a good idea. It'd had to be someone who's here everyday and reads most of the pages, I know I read every post, I dont think I've ever skipped one. Probably wouldnt be me though if it happens.

And there you have it.
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Da people dat come in here posting stuff dat doesn't belong here are usually people dat aren't active on here.

I'll admit, we should be more vigilant on reporting dose users doe.
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Ninjahood is like the woman who heckled and complained about Daniel Tosh's rape joke.
In both cases the accused were well within their rights to do what they'd been doing, but
because someone had fault with it penalties come. If you don't like the thread/joke leave the thread/club.
I think we should have a mod/admin monitor this thread. One of our own.

If user reporting within this thread were more consistent, there would be fewer problems.  

As far as reporting goes, what kind of stuff would we look out for? From my time in here, I haven't really noticed anything that was violating NT's Rules of Conduct.

I suppose that the people that do spent a lot of time in here just need to do a better job moderating ourselves.
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I think we should have a mod/admin monitor this thread. One of our own.

that sounds like a good idea.

also we do need to chill on some of the stuff that we decide to bring up in here, i mean at the end of the day it's still niketalk.

i suppose im not blameless, but lets not act like this thread is the only one guilty of reaching or flat out violating.
Of course it's not but that doesnt benefit this thread from staying open if all we do is point fingers and say "well they're doing it too"

That's not the validation we should want to garner
I think we should have a mod/admin monitor this thread. One of our own.

that sounds like a good idea.

also we do need to chill on some of the stuff that we decide to bring up in here, i mean at the end of the day it's still niketalk.

i suppose im not blameless, but lets not act like this thread is the only one guilty of reaching or flat out violating.
you're right it's not..

it's just at the speed this thread moves i would assume that it is much harder to monitor than a thread that moves slower.
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