the thread about nothing...

Those are nice 8)
Man, last night i knocked out like a ton of bricks.
I was sooo tired.
Same. Got home took a nap till 830. Ate dinner, did some work and then knocked out again.

So tired I slept through my alarm this morning. Smh.
Are you serious? We all had to wait and bro thinks he's gonna fly through the next plane over and move in at the last minute. Nah, man.
Yes, I am dead serious.

You waited and waited, an extra 20 seconds won't hurt you.

I ALWAYS let folks in, because I know I want to be the one to scoot my way into the line in the future.

Pay it forward
Some dweeb in a Maserati a few weeks ago waited till the last second to try to cut in as we were turning onto the ramp to get on the highway. I didn't let him through cuz of that nonsense, and I'm glad the big pick up truck behind me didn't let him in either. He obv didn't wanna wait behind all the cars and prob pulls that **** all the time.
Yes, I am dead serious.

You waited and waited, an extra 20 seconds won't hurt you.

I ALWAYS let folks in, because I know I want to be the one to scoot my way into the line in the future.

Pay it forward

There's a difference between being stuck in a line of traffic and zipping through the next lane over only to fly in at the last minute because you didn't feel like waiting like everybody else and just simply merging.
Bro, the car is still inside the lane at that point. Let them in.

It's the people who try to force their way when there is no more lane, that I have an issue with.

There's a difference between being stuck in a line of traffic and zipping through the next lane over only to fly in at the last minute because you didn't feel like waiting like everybody else and just simply merging.
I let people in.

I don't have an ego when it comes to that.

If you sit back and think about WHY you don't want to let them in, it is ALL ego/pride.

It isn't that serious. Nobody is going to laugh at you and say, "AHhhhh you got punked."

Let the dude in. Doesn't matter HOW/WHY he is trying to get in
Bro, the car is still inside the lane at that point. Let them in.

It's the people who try to force their way when there is no more lane, that I have an issue with.
Even still, let those people in. They clearly need to get somewhere in more of a hurry than I do.. Let them in.

Ain't worth the energy NOT letting them in
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