the thread about nothing...

Letting somebody merge in at the last minute cuz they don't feel like waiting like the rest of us is pushover mentality.
I completely understand why you would say that.

I just feel while in a car being a pushover, in that instance, doesn't matter to me
When I'm on my bike in bumper-to-bumper traffic sometimes I'll move forward by squeezing between cars. Sometimes people will get mad and I've been cursed at a handful of times. I don't really get that. You're sitting in standstill traffic and I'm able to fit between your car and another car, you're damned right I'm going to filter through.
While in a CAR, I am the type of person that will just let someone cut in line.

I have been saying that from the jump.

I don't take it as an insult at all.
If you'll let them cut in a car, you'll let them cut in person.
And a stranger ain’t gonna learn a damn thing.

AZ folk can’t drive for **** and rush hour is a *****. Lines for merging onto the freeway be OD long and it’s in large part b/c ppl be distracted. So I def find the gap and I take it. Sometimes I’ll go right to the front if I feel like it.

What are you going to teach a person like me b? It’s not going to stop me from doing it again. I’m from NY, you give me the slightest gap I’m taking it everytime.
When I'm on my bike in bumper-to-bumper traffic sometimes I'll move forward by squeezing between cars. Sometimes people will get mad and I've been cursed at a handful of times. I don't really get that. You're sitting in standstill traffic and I'm able to fit between your car and another car, you're damned right I'm going to filter through.
see thats ****** up... ive seen people try in drive inbetween 2 lanes just to not let a bike pass through
When I'm on my bike in bumper-to-bumper traffic sometimes I'll move forward by squeezing between cars. Sometimes people will get mad and I've been cursed at a handful of times. I don't really get that. You're sitting in standstill traffic and I'm able to fit between your car and another car, you're damned right I'm going to filter through.
People getting angry as you for being able to weave through traffic on a bike sounds like more of a pride situation than whatever that back and forth argument is going on in this thread right now
When I'm on my bike in bumper-to-bumper traffic sometimes I'll move forward by squeezing between cars. Sometimes people will get mad and I've been cursed at a handful of times. I don't really get that. You're sitting in standstill traffic and I'm able to fit between your car and another car, you're damned right I'm going to filter through.
That is their ego screaming out at you.

They can't go anywhere, no reason for them to be mad
Lol 2 completely different situations. and since someone mentioned pushover, wouldnt it be more alpha to keep your cool and throw the bone to the person cutting and not making a whole dramatic deal about not letting one car infront of you when lanes are merging?
And that isn't your EGO talking?

You are going to sit here and say YOU feeling the NEED
I didn't feel the need. I was put in a position to provide the lesson. I could have done without. I did not seem the opportunity.

to teach a STRANGER a LESSON isn't your ego in play?
Are we to only teach our one? Stranger or not, if someone is ignorant to the wrong they do, should they not be shown?

Lol 2 completely different situations. and since someone mentioned pushover, wouldnt it be more alpha to keep your cool and throw the bone to the person cutting and not making a whole dramatic deal about not letting one car infront of you when lanes are merging?
When I'm on my bike in bumper-to-bumper traffic sometimes I'll move forward by squeezing between cars. Sometimes people will get mad and I've been cursed at a handful of times. I don't really get that. You're sitting in standstill traffic and I'm able to fit between your car and another car, you're damned right I'm going to filter through.
I do look at bikes that do this as jackholes. I also don't blame them though cuz the **** is too logical. I'm really torn on that one.

I just kinda hope you ride past a police officer at that point.
Y’all just need to give as good as you get and it wouldn’t be this big of an issue. Yield to others but at the same time, take what’s there.

Not a difficult concept and nobody should be in their feels.
If you'll let them cut in a car, you'll let them cut in person.

Naw lol
Being inside of a car is less personal.

U seem like the type that will probably give the finger to somebody if they cut you off or something that offended you but I bet you wouldn't do that in a similar situation out of a car.

Yes both examples are "cutting" but there's a difference
You do what, cut in line?

If so, make sure you pay it forward and let folks in front of you

Yeah. There's always a ridiculously long line, so I sneak in last minute. I always make sure I don't obstruct anyone's pace. And yeah I let others in. Everyone knows the deal in that spot. Something needs to be done about adding more lanes TBH.
Y’all just need to give as good as you get and it wouldn’t be this big of an issue. Yield to others but at the same time, take what’s there.

Not a difficult concept and nobody should be in their feels.
Simple logic.

Feelings shouldn't be involved in any of this.

Nor should anyone feel the need/desire to teach someone else a lesson.

Let nature teach them their lesson. Just go on about your business after you let that man in
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