the thread about nothing...


The year in ‘93 and you can only buy 1 item to bring back to 2019.

What you taking?

without a doubt, the Nike Air bench. :nthat:
Watching that Snoop “Reincarnated” documentary and it’s good better than the actual album. It’s kind of funny watching it being he put so much into it and it flopped. Wasn’t a good sound for Snoop Lion IMO. :lol:
Daz is also hilarious in it. It’s on Netflix worth a watch if you never seen it.
Just sold my 6th gen iPad and bought the new mini from B&H....No tax :smokin Wanted the mini last year but it wasn't updated.
I don't get people that consistently comment negative things on Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Must be miserable going through life all negative
I'm made it a point to try and eliminate using the word hate when talking about others and try my best to not give negative responses to people and instead provide something that can help

like when we were in traffic and a motorcyclist bumped my rear view a little

no real damage

but it sucked, caught up to them, "Be more careful!"

instead of cursing them out
Found out yesterday that a girl that worked at a store i used to visit with my job passed away 2 months ago. Man it effed me up bad, i was legit in tears. She was just a beautiful soul. Only 28 and had a heart condition.
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