the thread about nothing...

Lol breh, come on. If she told you THAT, you should have been moved on from that instance. Have some dignity. Everything else you wrote I won’t even delve into or comment on because that right there is all you needed to know about her & your’s situation.
Aren’t you gay? yo Dubby Dubby dont ever take advice from a non-heterosexual male.
I would be hurt if i felt like i needed a female in my life... Which i dont.
Is it Oochie Wally Wally or is it One Mic?

Because your actions and posts are saying otherwise.

Also, question...

Have you smashed yet?
You need to leave it alone and if she wants to interact let HER do it. You push anymore it could be trouble you don’t need.

P.S. I have always hated the friend that gets on the phone.:lol:
Yea, youre right fool. Her ex cheated on her. Thinking i was gonna show her that im a different dude that she dealing with but... Nah.

P.S. I have always hated the friend that gets on the phone.:lol:
And when this happened i had to remind myself that theyre females
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Stop @ me and quoting me, p****. You’re a crybaby who can’t take light jokes so I don’t even know why you want my attention.

Go ahead and quote this with one of your stale, overused gifs/pics dust head.

Ill do what I feel like, and say what I feel like.

You sir are a non-heterosexual male, if you never smell , tasted or touch a vagina you have no right or grounds to give advice on what to do with a vagina.
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