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Good lawd, im tryin so hard not to fap

The lame thing about that feature is that it uses pics from the NT'er's account.
It doesn't use hotlink pics.
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Browse Craigslist for free items. Pick up free items and fix them up (if needed) and sell them. You are basically turning one person's trash into your treasure.[/quote
Good looking cuz :pimp:
I can def do that

Mos def. You'd be surprised some of the good stuff you come across. Most people will just leave it on the curb or on the porch and you can just scoop it up. If you have a pickup or an old truck accessible, even better.

I used to do this in college. I remember some apartment complex was giving away thousands worth of gym equipment on there for free, just had to pick it up.
NJ is notorious for that ****.
i got stories for days about cars being picked up all over NJ, dropped off, chopped, sold etc.....
cousins used to do it all the time :lol:
easiest cars would get picked up in NY, you over the bridge or 2 tunnels in minutes and cars never scene again :lol:

Nj is crazy with cars..
Feens rent there parents cars to dealers , they ether give them away
Or drive them in a ditch, smh .... Imagine renting your car out
NJ is notorious for that ****.
i got stories for days about cars being picked up all over NJ, dropped off, chopped, sold etc.....
cousins used to do it all the time

easiest cars would get picked up in NY, you over the bridge or 2 tunnels in minutes and cars never scene again
Do you know the guy or was he just a random? Dude is prolly just a casual baller, it's annoying when stuff like that happens but you can't really get mad at em. It sounds like you still wanted to play but got too pissed of and left. I used to be like that before but I've learned to control my temper and not let petty stuff ruin my days.

I know the guy.. You are 100% right.. I Definitely wanted to continue to play but was po and left..I got a real bad temper.. The only time I'm actually very calm is when I'm on NT..
I'm going to start wearing all my SB Dunks this winter. Today, I started pulling pairs out and cleaning them up.

Winter mode = on.
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