the thread about nothing...

So I work at the toll bridges in the NJ/PA of the bridges im workin at this weekend the building is on the opposite side of the bridge...not where the toll booths are at. And as an employee you don't get a free pass or still gotta pay toll to your own job just to get to the same job on that bridge. And toll around here is usually $4-$5

I wouldn't even be tight about that if I wasn't payin $40+
a week in gas just to get to the different locations because employees float they don't always stay on the same bridge. Job is draining more money from me than taking it.

Am I wrong, or am I just complaining too much?
You ever work the ben franklin ? or walt whitman ?
For those of ya'll who watch them movies ya'll might remember Flame.

She blew...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppp after she left the game. :smh:

Ok,this ain't nuttin new 2 me as I been in and out of bad situations since I was a youngin...tommorow Im flyin to lauderdale to go to a program for like a month or 2... I'm tired of waking up wit subs...if I need something to wake up obviously I have a problem. So I am goin to get off of this med.

Salty, I'll miss 5 eagles games, sons of a archy, walkin dead, league, always sunny, and I'll be leaving my fantasy team in someone else's hand... But other than that

I'm going to get healthy, get right, and I got a sweet job lined up when I touch down, when I'm clean.

So I'll be gone for a few months maybe so good looking out on the LOLZ I'll b back tho ..
Ok,this ain't nuttin new 2 me as I been in and out of bad situations since I was a youngin...tommorow Im flyin to lauderdale to go to a program for like a month or 2... I'm tired of waking up wit subs...if I need something to wake up obviously I have a problem. So I am goin to get off of this med.
Salty, I'll miss 5 eagles games, sons of a archy, walkin dead, league, always sunny, and I'll be leaving my fantasy team in someone else's hand... But other than that
I'm going to get healthy, get right, and I got a sweet job lined up when I touch down, when I'm clean.
So I'll be gone for a few months maybe so good looking out on the LOLZ I'll b back tho ..
Best of luck to you my man. I have no respect for abusers but I have a ton of respect for those who are man enough to realize they have a problem and take the necessary steps to fix it. My PM is always open, as well as a ton of dudes on here, if you ever need some motivation or just someone to talk to. You got our support!
Good luck down there sir, hopefully you get your **** together and it works out for the better for you.
Ok,this ain't nuttin new 2 me as I been in and out of bad situations since I was a youngin...tommorow Im flyin to lauderdale to go to a program for like a month or 2... I'm tired of waking up wit subs...if I need something to wake up obviously I have a problem. So I am goin to get off of this med.

Salty, I'll miss 5 eagles games, sons of a archy, walkin dead, league, always sunny, and I'll be leaving my fantasy team in someone else's hand... But other than that

I'm going to get healthy, get right, and I got a sweet job lined up when I touch down, when I'm clean.

So I'll be gone for a few months maybe so good looking out on the LOLZ I'll b back tho ..

your health is the most important thing... the tv shows& extra stuff with be there when you get back/better
Been in my apt for 3 months and hadn't had cable since I got here...

I might not have cable for the next 10 years, fambs ..

That **** was pointless and a waste of money.

Interwebz >>>>>>

Went home and had TV for a couple days... wasted SOOOO much time watching nonsense ...

Today's TV programming is :x :x...
Been in my apt for 3 months and hadn't had cable since I got here...

I might not have cable for the next 10 years, fambs ..

That **** was pointless and a waste of money.

Interwebz >>>>>>

Went home and had TV for a couple days... wasted SOOOO much time watching nonsense ...

Today's TV programming is :x :x...

other than sports, cable tv is USELESS
speaking on PIRATING is against the ROC
so I'll just say, hulu + netflix + docs on youtube are good enough for me!
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whats the deal with ksteezy's wife joke? is she hit? or is it something else
Ask TruthGetsBusy......

I have no qualms with that man, I just personally feel that the majority of folks in the Dressing Better thread are self absorbed, materialistic folks. Not my thing, but to each their own.

I could still share a drink with any of them if I saw them in public.
This....and I could pretty much share a drink with anyone. I posted there a few times, but didn't get help for what I was looking for. Speaking of which, anyone know anything about the quality of Rancourt and Co. shoes?
How is California breeding these wavy curly haired goddesses that sing??? How?



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My weakness

Light skinned
Curley hair

The things I would do :smh:

*plays adorn by Miguel 99 times*
Met this girl from Jersey today at a gas station....she spilled gas on her car because she didn't know that if you don't let go of the handle it keeps pumping.

It's all good. The last girl I dated thought it was cool to pump gas with the car still ON. She was an engineer in the Navy too so she wasn't a dumb dumb or anything.
know people who have always done this.....
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