the thread about nothing...

There was X generation, I come from Y generation , now we have Z generation, and then what, that's over, end of the world ?

EDIT : oh no, Alpha, it's like Pokemon or Power Rangers, you'll never know when it would end
The character of the roles

I have an interpretation of akeem embedded in my brain from the movie that I love.
I don't want to see something to alter that.

Same for all characters.

Kind of like what they did to luke Skywalker.

I guess maybe NEVER but I'm in no rush to see it at all nor do I want to.

So you aren't able to compartmentalize what you saw in each movie individually?

I have never understood this line of reasoning.

But to eaches old.
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Been damn near a full calender year since I've last worked out in the gym due to covid. About to get back on it starting tomorrow. Been way too long

Hopefully you are open to do in-home workouts.

Plenty of channels on YouTube that can get you going.

Where do you live?
This 396 but hit 415lbs at 186lbs


major props on breaking 400. I neglected DLs for the longest time, never did them despite having a consistent gym regimen for the last 8 years. finally decided to incorporate them to help me get past my 1RM for squats. actually started enjoying deadlifting more than squats themselves.. then 6 months in, after making substantial progress in both, covid19 hits. haven't touched a barbell in a year now :ohwell: hope you've had better luck with gym access
major props on breaking 400. I neglected DLs for the longest time, never did them despite having a consistent gym regimen for the last 8 years. finally decided to incorporate them to help me get past my 1RM for squats. actually started enjoying deadlifting more than squats themselves.. then 6 months in, after making substantial progress in both, covid19 hits. haven't touched a barbell in a year now :ohwell: hope you've had better luck with gym access

That was my first DL in a year too bro but I’ve been squaring. :lol:

I’m a coach so I am able to access the gym anytime.

41 and still got.
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