the thread about nothing...

Probably a Wizards fan :lol:
The feds are watching

An admin posts his Wordle results in here every morning and you’re surprised that moderation occurs here?

Some of you may remember when certain users were loudly complaining about how this thread was “ruining General” because it supposedly suppressed new topic creation. The reason we pushed back against that and retained the thread is because it, like any thread, actually does have a topic. It’s not just a free for all.

The “Thread About Nothing” isn’t the “Thread About Everything.” It’s for minutiae and miscellanea that do not fit into other existing threads.

NBA discussion is removed from this thread for the same reason it is removed from sneaker threads.
There’s already a place for it and that’s in the Sports & Training forum.
Wordle's kinda dying out except for a group text thread I have and me and him :lol: so it's actually fit for the thread about nothing to be real
Wordle's kinda dying out except for a group text thread I have and me and him :lol: so it's actually fit for the thread about nothing to be real
Don’t mind him. It was a bad reach attempted, I’m guessing, for comedy.

There’s no comparing a long defunct Wordle thread with 7 replies to an entire forum dedicated to sports, and an NBA thread with 132,000 replies and counting.

Moderation is an important part of what differentiates NikeTalk from its predecessors and imitators. This thread has always had limitations and does not exist outside of the rules. The regulars all know this.

If anyone here didn’t want to be subject to that, they could’ve started their own group text or Discord at any point.

I’m sure kdawg kdawg will still see all of you again tomorrow, bright and early.
There’s pages worth of wordle posts in here from multiple users, figure it required a thread on its own. Comedic yes....but there’s truth in it. Funnier to me is how selective the admins can be when enforcing rules and even when they’re violating them themselves.
There’s pages worth of wordle posts in here from multiple users, figure it required a thread on its own. Comedic yes....but there’s truth in it. Funnier to me is how selective the admins can be when enforcing rules and even when they’re violating them themselves.
Says the guy who lobbied to get someone banned for saying “shut up” despite doing so themselves on multiple occasions.

As one of NikeTalk’s biggest fans, I’m sure this “criticism” is out of love, but the fact of the matter is: we’re not interested in hosting a free-for-all thread. It’s redundant, unnecessary, and risks becoming a vortex of inappropriate content. That’s contrary to why we founded NikeTalk, and one need look no further than Twitter to see the threat that could pose to a community’s viability.

If all you want is a private chat for a small clique then you don’t need a forum for that. Use iMessage.
Forums are useful for long-format, long term, specialized discussions with broad participation.

Momentary tangents can happen in any thread, but if there’s half a page of off-topic discussion, the moderators will act on that - especially when reported.

It’s my belief that kdawg kdawg and jpzx jpzx aren’t violating the rules by posting their Wordle results in a discussion intended for ephemera that don’t warrant an entire thread.

If you believe that no topic is too minor to warrant sequestration in a separate thread, what you’re actually doing here is arguing for the dissolution of the thread about nothing.

Is that what you want?

If you don’t want the moderation team to enforce the forum divisions in this thread, the alternative isn’t an unmoderated group chat- it’s this thread being locked.
I didn’t read any of your word soup because all you want to do is argue. I ain’t got time for it nor do I care since I‘m out and about. Cool? 😁
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