the thread about nothing...

I was walking around the circle of my neighborhood and this car pulls up near me and the guy rolls down his window. He looks at me but doesn’t say anything. Take some steps further and he pulls up near me again and looks. Now I’m freaking out inside. Turns out it was just a guy pulling up to someone’s mailbox to deliver an Amazon package, but I’m not walking around there for a while. That spooked me good.


Great read about my favorite band and what sets the community apart. Probably not appealing to most dudes here but I feel like you could read this as a member of this community and understand just how special having a band and community still making authentic memories 40 years in can be.
Phish is the best - saw them at Deer Creek and then at Mondegreen for summer run. The community aspect is indeed special.. Their shows are so much fun and silly. I've met so many great people through this band.
Phish is the best - saw them at Deer Creek and then at Mondegreen for summer run. The community aspect is indeed special.. Their shows are so much fun and silly. I've met so many great people through this band.
I was at Alpine and Mondegreen. Been doing this for 21 years now and it’s always lifted me up when I’ve needed it most. Some of my best friends in life since I was 18 came from seeing them. Even did a couple hundred thousand dollars of business together with some fans about a decade ago.
I was walking around the circle of my neighborhood and this car pulls up near me and the guy rolls down his window. He looks at me but doesn’t say anything. Take some steps further and he pulls up near me again and looks. Now I’m freaking out inside. Turns out it was just a guy pulling up to someone’s mailbox to deliver an Amazon package, but I’m not walking around there for a while. That spooked me good.

The other night I took my dog out at like midnight, came back and this car was just chilling in the middle of the street with its lights on, started very slowly coming down the road and strangely passed me, I stared the car down like “wtf are you doing” car proceeds to go to the bottom of the street and then turn around and come back up. I live on a culdesac, the car makes a left to come onto the street and slowly/weirdly goes down the culdesac.

My dog was ready to go in the house but I was like “we’re following these MFs 🤣” they did the same creepy turn around near the end of the culdesac, go back up, and then park at the house right next to mine and linger in the driveway for who knows how long.

At that point I went inside and nothing else happened, in retrospect since I was on foot with my dog, I probably shouldn’t have kept following them lol.

Why are folks so f’ing weird smh
Can any of you explain why my MacBook Air turns on immediately when I plug it in from dead, but not my iPhone?
Can any of you explain why my MacBook Air turns on immediately when I plug it in from dead, but not my iPhone?
The iPhone has a minimum charge level due to internal software components requiring about 5-8% to work properly or the device goes into an infinite boot loop. Those software components don’t exist with macOS so the external power allows it to immediately boot.

It was really annoying when I worked there and would come back from the holiday shutdown and all my iPhones were dead as a doorknob and I needed to start testing in the morning.
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