the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by Jay02

For the first time I feel like I am actually looking at a UFO. Some dude posted on facebook maybe its just me but I looked at the westerly skies and some weird stuff is going on up there. So I go outside and look and there a light that looks like a star. Kinda has a red flicker to it. And im 100 % my eyes are not playing tricks on me but im just staring at the flickering light is moving up and down and side to side. Im freaking now.

I have a video. But of something else. Initially I was looking at the light but then I noticed something off to the right. A moving object with an odd sequence of flashing lights. Not like a normal plane. It went directly over my head so I took a video. As I sent it to my buddy and rewatched it I saw multiple lights flash randomly all over the screen. I have it uploaded but I will say this its kinda hard to see so your really gonna have to concentrate. 
Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

sort of want.
Turned out worse than I thought it would. I wish there was a time shown so I could say when and where to look for what. But concentrate on the bottom half at first you will see like 3 lights flash. Then later on the flashing object i was trying to record initially comes in the middle but its really hard to see. It will flash in the middle of the video, drop and flash again, then somehow ends up on the bottom left and flashes again. 

Is there anyway to get a better qaulity version uploaded? From my iPhone i can see all these flashes clearly. But once i uploaded it it sucks. there's literally 8 different flashes all over the screen and different times. You can literally see this object falling down the middle then showing up on the right side of the screen. 
Just watched Chronicle. That %+%$ was pretty dope

My man Wallace had to get got again though smh...
Ok I uploaded it to youtube to see if it was better quality and I could see it a little bit more clearer. Someone please tell me if im goin crazy. I know its tough to see but it is there if you concentrate at the right spots during the right time. I kinda disected when and where you can see the flashes. 


 First two flashes at the 13 second mark near bottom of the screen.

Second flash at the 16 second mark near the middle.

Third flash at the 20 second mark in the very middle.

Now this is the part that pisses me off cause you cant see it on the screen. But it flashes 3 more times as it drops straight down the middle of the screen. 

Then at the 28 second mark it flashes 2 more times really quickly near the bottom left.

It may be easier to see on the larger screen on youtube cause the flashes are kinda small. If yall cant see %%!% then ig ill have to keep it between me and my friends where you can see it really clear on my phone. 

And again this wasnt even what I was first looking at. As I went to go look back at the moving star thing. It circled, dropped so that the neighboring houses roof covered it, then came back up and appeared again. I'm 100% I saw something tonight. I got the chills and a tear was shed. Sorry about my crazy enthusiasm towards this but no ones up and I have no one to show on my phone until tommorow 
So May 12th was my Bday.
And my lovely girlfriend gave me the 2 best gift's I could have ever gotten.


Marvelous Marvin Hagler signed boxing glove

and a Spyderco Delica 4.

New at my job at radio shack. One mess up with a customer led to another mess up to another customer, guy gets angry and wants to call my manager. Gotta worry about that and i have to call corperate to fix the address on the other mistake.For christ sakes my name tag still says "training" on it..5am in the west coast and cant sleep smh..
Originally Posted by jdiggs

New at my job at radio shack. One mess up with a customer led to another mess up to another customer, guy gets angry and wants to call my manager. Gotta worry about that and i have to call corperate to fix the address on the other mistake.For christ sakes my name tag still says "training" on it..5am in the west coast and cant sleep smh..

Not sure who you service provider is but take advantage of the Sprint Employee plan. I'm paying $30 for basically unlimited everything and insurance. I quit after Memorial weekend last year and I still have the employee plan. 
You're welcome.
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