the thread about nothing...

definitely need to make it out here before i die

I've been here!! It wasn't all that, just like a million flights of stairs 

damn, you just **** on sons dream like that? :smh: :rofl:
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damn, you just **** on sons dream like that?
Naw B, Hong Kong in itself is pretty cool if you've never been. Big Budhha included........ Just wasn't really my thing 

Hong Kong actually is definitely a place you should visit at least once in your life if you're into travelling and whatnot. I've just happened to have been to HK tons of times already in my short life. 

Still gotta decide between going to Hong Kong or England this summer 
So I still have my high school locker and just recently I "completely" forgot the combination to get it to open after not using it for 3-4 years. A few weeks ago, I researched on the web on how to get a master lock open, trying this technique, but failed.

So just now, Im watching youtube videos and the lock is sitting on my desk. As Im finishing a video, I took a glance at my lock and all of a sudden I remembered again. It's literally like a light bulb popped in my head.

I pick it up and tried the combo and it popped open. Couldnt help but chuckle. :lol:

Crazy how the human memory works.

Ok, carry on NT.
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