I'm down if I'm not ot that weekend.
And i wanna hear that story beh. It's funny how I used to unfriendzone chicks the moment they stop crushing on me. That's some loser ****.
What a wild day yesterday.....wow.
Someone air that cornball NTer on Twitter and IG out (who I hooked up with Swoosh Account last year too) and has had the nerve to keep challenging/taking shots about my athletic ability. I gave him my number again last night and told him to come to Nottoway Park in Vienna, VA and I would beat his a** down for $1,000 after I finished coaching my Baseball team's practice at 8 pm.
He IMMEDIATELY runs to twitter to @ me and claim how "he always has bball shorts on under his shirt and tie" and how he would "film this beat down." I call hims a cornball female for running to twitter and just show up and that with everything I have going on right now (all jokes aside) I'm liable to just beat the hell out of him. He was "Paypal Ready" and this dude pulled the crucial 226 no show.
What a corny *** mad representation of NT.
This dude is 140 lbs! I'm 6'4 220 (after losing 15 lbs). Come and give me my money Mr. Matthew Morgan. @FrancoisKilljoy
People always like to talk man. My mom taught me to be an action man.
I told him he doesn't know me like that....especially not in VA. But he will. How you think I got that damn ankle bracelet on? It wasn't because of my stunning sense of humor and charm.
What a lame man. I canceled plans with my Mother to keep my word (on her only night off from her second job) and I am supposed to move in 9 days or so. All to keep my word and prove a point with a lame dude always asking for hand outs on IG/Twitter.
My bad Mom, guess my pride/ego still hasn't changed over the years. |I
The basketball court he never showed up to after claiming he was coming:
Find this dude on IG/Twitter to see how big he was trying to puff his chest out.
At least I met some cool older dudes who told stories of Grant Hill (from Reston), Nick Andersen and Shaq playing at Nottoway Park here in Vienna, VA back in the day. It's a local staple near my job.
People like him is why I stopped playing Sports in High School, I never learned how to just let weak *** dudes talk and not dig in to them when I would hear it. It's the NY in my blood.
This might be THREAD WORTHY!?