the thread about nothing...

Plus you'd be pretty mad too if you were in my shoes.


When you have to go to the Pentagon and get a brief form people about your "character" for something that never happened and you spent three years clearing you name and never even got an apology or an *Oops My Bad* for tarnishing family relationships/my relationship with my girl/her reputation/my career.

I spent years getting it all back and it didn't feel the same, I don't want it anymore. I just wanted to prove to people that I could get it back if I wanted to. I can do anything that I want to or choose to.

Anything. Confidence and the drive/determination/motivation to succeed is a dangerous thing I guess.
Antidope is right though.

Avatar wasnt that great.
That's fine. But to say it's horrible is just straight up trolling.

That's like if I said goodfellas are horrible because I didn't like it.
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Avatar gets a 4/5.

This is from someone who watched the movie after the hype died down.
If you didn't see Avatar in theaters with the 3D, it's not the same movie. And it's not like saying "If you didn't see The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX, it's not the same"... because in that example it definitely enhances the movie, but Avatar in 3D in theaters is the movie, it's an experience.
My two immature female coworkers just gave my manager some mints that numbs your throat for when females are servicing their dudes. Awkward. They're laughing and he's asking if it was birth control.

Should have brought his own mints :smh:
This is why I don't eat from strangers(other than @ fast food places), coworkers or not.
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I've been meaning to watch it, but my old girl was notorious for starting movies and falling asleep within the first 15 minutes man. I had to watch movies three times over so she could see it once.


:lol: that sounds like me. I can't watch movies :\ I've probably been to the movies about 8 times in my life...
:lol: that sounds like me. I can't watch movies :\ I've probably been to the movies about 8 times in my life...

Ha! Yeah man...I stopped taking her to movies or we could only go to matinees. :smh:

I'm told her "You know I don't mind spending money at all, but I'm not going to pay $18 a ticket and $25 for food to watch you sleep...not eat the food....and then not be able to grope you when I feel like it."

Needlesss to say....we had a lot of redbox nights and overdue charges because it took her 3 days to finish a 1 1/2 hour movie!
anyone download Hardest Game Ever 2 on the iphone ? Man this game almost got me ready to throw/break my damn phone. I need to get 10 S's out of 12 levels and this **** is just impossible
Cross dem fingers fam [emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128563[/emoji]
God damn I dunno how y'all are putting down 12 tacos at a time! I just barely did 6 soft shell from the bell. Hot sauce from home made them soooo much better though.

Just kickin it today then watching heat bulls. Woke up and watched sports center for the first time in a while today. Miss watching it every fay
I tried the other day.. i was only able to do 8 and that hurt me 
yeah, that was the college schedule- wake up to first take. I had TBell too, one chicken quesadilla with no sauce and a black bean burrito- I don't mess with their beef very much, but 5 tacos is all I can handle

:pimp: Started watching first take freshman year, can't start a good morning without it. Don't mess with that taco bell tho
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