the thread about nothing...

This unemployment **** is just crazy. I went to a staffing agency earlier this week and told my counselor that I never expected to be out of work this long and he replied no one ever does. Its eating at me financially and mentally. There's just days I wish I wouldn't wake up. People say its going to get better, but when? I've applied, interviewed, spoken to an endless amount of recruiters and nothing has yet to work out in my favor.


Stay up fam. It sucks, but nothing lasts forever. Things will turn for you.

I still haven't even seen Avatar yet.

Visually it's dope.

Story line = predictable

And it's like 3 hours.

This. I haven't seen all of it, it came as an extra on my phone when I got it two years ago. I STILL didn't watch it all. It's kinda boring. And just think, we have two more to go in that franchise :smh:.

@JKing, I like how you think man.
Brb. Destroying toilet.

My girl roommate has been mighty friendly lately. Texted me from upstairs to get pho today. I texted her back just ate breakfast and she came downstairs to try to convince me. Why are we texting when were in the same house?! Lol

You think that's bad? My mom accidentally called me one night and said she dialed the wrong son. She tried calling my brother.....who was in the next room :smh:
Just bought the e-cig. It's not bad doesn't taste the best though. I got a disposable to last me until I order online. Gotta look for a more refreshing flavor. One I got now tastes like dirt.

Might meet up with js34 for lunch or something tomorrow if our schedules don't conflict.

My morning/early afternoon is wide open. Just don't pull a Frankie and leave me hanging in Tenley Town at Comet Pizza playing ping pong by myself! :lol:

Hoping this nice weather stays for tomorrow! Been a minute around these parts!
@Tr1ll, don't feel bad. I was there, putting a female in the friendzone, then after a while I revoked her membership to that club :lol:. I have a story I'll share later out of many experiences that I've had in the past regarding that. I think I told it here before but I don't think anyone remembers it. When I tell it, feel free to e slap me too :lol:. Your situation sounds similar to mine. What time did you go over there? But to answer the question, I think that men and women can be friends and just that but it's a fine line. I think the variable in that is time spent together. You can be friends, but if you increasingly spend time together, especially alone, what does it sound like? A relationship :stoneface: . You can be chill with a chick, not even think of her that way, but keep hanging with her and it's just you two, at least one person will feel something. That's when things get dicey and mixed signals get thrown and all hell can break loose. I'll expound on that in my story when I tell it.

@PZEE, oh David's sign, cool. I'll steal his too :lol:

puh-puh-puhleeze don't steal it :wow:
No "picturing" about it. That's the real deal, jack. It's like how fast food restaurants show perfectly constructed and aesthetically pleasing burgers on the commercials to draw you in knowing they only appear like that like 10% of the time.
Can you ask a mod to lock and delete a thread?

Yea why? :nerd:

Snitchin :nerd:

No snitching. It's the sex education thread. People aren't following the rules and are posting stuff that really belongs in the yambs thread. I asked nicely not to post personal stories and more towards informational/educational material and apparently people are just saying **** the rules. If they can't abide by it, might as well just lock it and bury it.
Can you ask a mod to lock and delete a thread?

Yea why? :nerd:

Snitchin :nerd:

No snitching. It's the sex education thread. People aren't following the rules and are posting stuff that really belongs in the yambs thread. I asked nicely not to post personal stories and more towards informational/educational material and apparently people are just saying **** the rules. If they can't abide by it, might as well just lock it and bury it.

Don't take this the wrong way but you're trying to hard to police that thread. I'm sure dudes appreciate that thread but at times most threads go off topic. Just because dude's aren't discussing their STD issues now doesn't mean the thread won't be useful a week or month from now.
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Can you ask a mod to lock and delete a thread?

Yeah I had Meth expunge one back in 2010 where I roasted my old girl after she reached out to me stating that Google was pulling her personal info when Northrop Grumman was running her Top Secret clearance and this "strange shoe message board had her personal information slandered all over it."


feeling like a BOSS just booked a free room in AC at Caesars for tonight. Took a look at my comps seen i had one with no hesitation im out in AC tonight
Can you ask a mod to lock and delete a thread?

Yea why? :nerd:

Snitchin :nerd:

No snitching. It's the sex education thread. People aren't following the rules and are posting stuff that really belongs in the yambs thread. I asked nicely not to post personal stories and more towards informational/educational material and apparently people are just saying **** the rules. If they can't abide by it, might as well just lock it and bury it.

Don't take this the wrong way but you're trying to hard to police that thread. I'm sure dudes appreciate that thread but at times most threads go off topic. Just because dude's aren't discussing their STD issues now doesn't mean the thread won't be useful a week or month from now.

I'm also not trying to infringe on the yambs thread. There's a space for everything man. Is it so hard to understand that? I'm not trying to be "police" for anything. I have been asking to stay on topic, and politely at that. What you and others have been doing is anecdotal and more along the lines of the yambs thread, it's not teaching anything. The thread title is sex EDUCATION, no? What am I learning about sex when a dude is saying messing with lesbians is great? C'mon man.
Am I the only one creeped out by this? Nerds be taking things too far sometimes. This is an unacceptable level of nerding.
THIS. I don't mind some of the cosplay where they're just basically naked.... but not when they're acting out **** and putting on clown make up that makes em look like creepy *** real life anime humans with giant *** eyes and ****. Bugs the hell out of me 
This dude is 140 lbs! I'm 6'4 220 (after losing 15 lbs). Come and give me my money Mr. Matthew Morgan. @FrancoisKilljoy

People always like to talk man. My mom taught me to be an action man.

People like him is why I stopped playing Sports in High School, I never learned how to just let weak *** dudes talk and not dig in to them when I would hear it. It's the NY in my blood.
You're 6'4, you look so much shorter on IG 

When you come to Sac, we are gonna be acting out on dudes all the damn time if we go out 
 that'll be dope cuz all my boys who are about that fistacuff life don't live in Sac no more 

also, how you let a loser like that bully you into not playing HS sports?!?!?!?!?
I need a 70k job:smh:
I read on some financially fit blog that 75k is the magic number. Basically the live comfortable number for most people. And that generally from 75k to about 120k has not been shown to increase peoples happiness or well being.

I always used to say once i hit 100k id be cool feet up relax coast to retirement....but apparently that really isn't that big of a deal
75k is definitely the number to aim for if you're a single adult. Anything less and IMO you'll be scraping.... so glad I'm gonna be a nurse

if you got a family (and not really counting on the wife) you gotta be well into the 6 figures 

In HS my english teacher (of all people) spent an entire class once breaking down the living costs of him and his family. It was dope to see these types of numbers and logic behind the budgeting 
I still haven't even seen Avatar yet.
Me either
Avatar night??

If you didn't see Avatar in theaters with the 3D, it's not the same movie. And it's not like saying "If you didn't see The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX, it's not the same"... because in that example it definitely enhances the movie, but Avatar in 3D in theaters is the movie, it's an experience.
THIS. Avatar and maybe  Despicable Me (of all movies 
) are the only movies I actually enjoyed seeing the movie in 3D
Brb. Destroying toilet.

My girl roommate has been mighty friendly lately. Texted me from upstairs to get pho today. I texted her back just ate breakfast and she came downstairs to try to convince me. Why are we texting when were in the same house?! Lol
I wish I was friendly with your girl roommate, I'd get pho with her
Brb. Destroying toilet.

My girl roommate has been mighty friendly lately. Texted me from upstairs to get pho today. I texted her back just ate breakfast and she came downstairs to try to convince me. Why are we texting when were in the same house?! Lol
You think that's bad? My mom accidentally called me one night and said she dialed the wrong son. She tried calling my brother.....who was in the next room
My mom calls me in the house sometimes too when I'm home
You really don't care about your relationship do you?
Yeah I maybe just talking **** ... I probably won't pursue. Her voice is sexy though.
but is her face and body sexy
Can you ask a mod to lock and delete a thread?
Yea why?

No snitching. It's the sex education thread. People aren't following the rules and are posting stuff that really belongs in the yambs thread. I asked nicely not to post personal stories and more towards informational/educational material and apparently people are just saying **** the rules. If they can't abide by it, might as well just lock it and bury it.
you make me sad 

They just didn't wanna play your game.... maybe at least let them have their fun?
feeling like a BOSS just booked a free room in AC at Caesars for tonight. Took a look at my comps seen i had one with no hesitation im out in AC tonight

Who you rolling with? I needed to hit Philly one last time. If I had a free day tomorrow I would be down. I have a game to coach at 4:30 and am meeeing JumpmanKB for lunch in DC.

I could be extreme and head up after work!

*easy does it....easy. I'm not that young and reckless anymore.....

or am I?
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