the thread about nothing...

"Diss me and you'll never hear a reply for it." :rofl:

Ya'll dudes are comical, this thread is about nothing, so it's damn sure not

about negativity.
i blame_____.

Tired and prolly won't get sleep til 3am, all this text I'm reading is starting to turn gray instead of white. :x Imma be knocked out cold.
Donnie Darko had one of my favorite film soundtracks ever. That seen
where he gets off the bus to "Head Over Heels" :x :nthat:
I'm still confused as to how much of something must you own for
it to be considered a dungeon.

You ain't like Donnie Darko bruh? Oh well different strokes for different folks.
Unless you're just posting the gif just for the sake of posting it.

:lol: Nah, I just wanted to post it so it could stay in my picture history. I hate finding a gif then forgetting where I found it.

I understand that feeling, I once looked for the Sean P window roll gif for like 30 minutes.
Never again.
The Dressing Better thread is da cancer to da NT General

Finally got a chance to sit down. What a day. Excited for tomorrow, got a meeting for a potential new gig. In honor of that, I just went around the corner and got a haircut on my lunch break. I look kinda Dominican now lol. Now gotta time this move for tomorrow....

It's so hard trying out new barbers, but this new one has potential...
Good luck bro. I think I took a L on my job interview. 3 weeks and not a word.
Just overheard this converstation from some chick to her dude....

"ur the one that wanted to have a baby to take our relationship to the next level an now your broke *** can't even afford ****. Can't even find a damn job. u better get your **** and find someplace else to stay. u better not be home when I get there"

Wow thats ETHER!!!
can you say..

someone is in hot WATER.

I just realized finding a new barber is like finding a perfect chick. One barbers' technique may be better than others but it sucks if he has one tiny flaw. It's like finding a hot girl that knows how to perform a dirty sanchez but not a rusty trombone 
Cut your own hair
I've gotten about 13 hours of sleep in the past 2 days. I hate school.

Learning about neurological disorders is so depressing. Made me sad for about a week. :smh:
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