the thread about nothing...

I think I've finally gotten over shoes :lol: I just want to sell everything at this point :smh: bout to ask my dude if he wants a shoe collection
PABS, I wasn't going to let you make it much longer.....
Kinda glad to see Ichiro on a winning team

but them Yanks can kiss my ***

M's winning right now doe
i see more and more people wit bandanas tied to the front, golds and them round circle glasses, lookin like a$ap copy
Depressed as a MFer :smh:

Type it out so that you can relax.

Try going out with some people from work if you can bear being around them longer than the time required. Or go to a bar after work by yourself and strike up conversation with the first chick you see sitting alone. Just try to break the daily routine of work then home then dvds, a couple days a week hit the bar and don't come home until you're ready to get in the bed. After a couple of weeks you'll meet someone and most of all feel better.
Final in a few hours. Tired of studying, really just reviewing. I need a 90 at the minimum on it though. Haven't told anyone that I don't plan on going back to school in the Fall. Dropped all my classes last week. 5 months of no school. Right now it feels like the right thing to do. Why go to school for 8 months and have 2 months off and enter another program again in the Fall; when I can complete everything in 6 months with a 5 month break? Guess I'll spend 5 months soul searching. Cause graduation is around the corner and I'm ready for a major pay increase, hell a salary. **** this per hour stuff.
@cord- thanks bruh but I work with other Dr's, PA's... n other emts and medics are married square bears that got their balls chopped off.

Might try the whole solo dolo thing at a bar again but the other times i just felt mad awkward being there alone.
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sowwwwie. iono, just been going through a bit of stress & just wanted to remain lowkey. my bad if i wasted anyone's time. :wow:

wow i felt stupid putting that 626 on the pages back there...
just changed my settings to 20 per page & it's currently @ 949
All jokes bro. Head up, hope all gets better from here on out!

I just wanna say there are some good people out there.I couldn't believe my sis,bro-in-law, and
some of my coworkers tipped in to buy me a new PS3 after I was burglarized.
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@cord- thanks bruh but I work with other Dr's, PA's... n other emts and medics are married square bears that got their balls chopped off.

Might try the whole solo dolo thing at a bar again but the other times i just felt mad awkward being there alone.

Get a couple of drinks in you and that awkwardness should go out of the window. Maybe you should wait 'til you don't have to work the next day just in case you drink a bit too much. If that doesn't work out, try to focus on yourself. I have a hard time sticking to my workout routine. I bought an ipod shuffle just for when I'm working out and my workouts are only limited to sit ups/push ups til it hurt and basketball (just got a new bball too). My brother in law also just gave me his total gym 'cause he wasn't up to taking it down and putting it up when he wanted to use it. Im going to leave it up in a spare bedroom though. Sorry to make that about me, my mind tends to wonder.

Cliffs: a few drinks should cure awkwardness

focus on you; get in the gym
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The couple times I went to the bar near me in ocean beach that has a good happy hour (half of pitchers) I had a 2 pitchers in me and still felt mad awkward gettin faded dolo. Ima keep tryin tho.
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