the thread about nothing...


A) that'd be different because I would know you guys through NT, not from outside NT

B) I don't think we've had a summit in like 5-6 years 
Wasn't it a lonely summit too?
I honestly think it was a little before my time. Like I was probably 16-17 when it happened 
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yo MMG, I am writing a book that talks about balance (a theory of life that my grandfather came up with)... doing final edits now, I will send you a copy when I'm done...
I'll take a copy as well, how much?
realtalk i have always been thinking about this theory too that everything in life is in balance.

whether its something simple such as night and dark or good and evil

for every positive there is a negative. if u do something good today someone will do something bad to balance it. this is why sometimes i try not to be to happy because i want to keep myself balanced if i become too happy then one day i might be too sad. does that make sense?

can u explain ur theory?
i would also be interested in this book

long story short, I have sat down with my grandfather every sunday for the past 2 1/2 years and wrote a book about his life. He is the youngest of 9 children, was dirt poor. He went from the slums of hawaii (seems like an oxymoron) to becoming a 76 year old psychiatrist who still surfs every morning. His life story is CRAZY as he was a patient in a psych ward (depression) a year after he was in charge of the hospital ward. His conclusion - the key to life is living a balance between the following...
- WORK - career, finances, professionalism
- FAMILY/FRIENDS - relationships, listening/enjoying and helping those you love
- PHYSICAL HEALTH - staying fit and healthy, diet, drugs etc
- SPIRITUAL HEALTH - faith or mental peace/stability, mainly peaceful internal reflection (whatever your religious preferences may be)

the book goes into detail about each, and is filled with his personal stories along with my opinion on the subjects discussed. (basically contrasting then and now)

I am 98% complete, have publishing all lined up, and just awaiting a final draft from my editor...

when it is all said and done this will be one of the major accomplishments in my life, and do not want to make a single dime from this book, as it is the goal of my grandfather and I to create something that will HELP PEOPLE and not help our wallets.

I will try and give out as many copies as I can afford to those who are interested on NT :smokin

I want a copy, fambs :pimp:
I'm really starting to stress about this move.... I'm gonna have to pretty much buy everything new except for a couch and kitchen appliances. Its not so much the thought of dropping that much dough on furniture and stuff, but just having to set it all up and, down the road, having to take it apart/move it out and finding a place to store it (storage I guess) if I move back home after I graduate.
Start class at the end of the month, I'm excited :pimp:
I found the Pewter boots I wanted on eBay...$252 after shipping though :x
Going out to Friday's again this weekend...getting drinks at the bar without being 21 > * :pimp:


I need a new battery for my laptop, I think. It charges in like 40 minutes but it only lasts for like 90...

Anybody know where I can get one for the low? It's a Toshiba Satellite L655..
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I was driving around and I played Losing Your Balance- J.Cole song is deep yo.
Tonight my 2nd Pre-Season Soccer game - Before the last game I posted here and scored a goal so NT maybe bringing the good luck 8)
Anything good happening this weekend? I was thinking about camping. Any other plans for you fellow NT'ers?
Anything good happening this weekend? I was thinking about camping. Any other plans for you fellow NT'ers?
My rents are outta town, so I got the place to myself. Not sure what I'ma do.......

Probably just gonna do what I do every weekend and just try and go out every night 
Can't sleep :smh:

And I went to one of the summits YEARS ago.
I remember Phil Eric Duane, and I think Nick (billyhoyle) went. There was less than 10 of us :lol:
We met up at downtown mall, kicked it, BS'ed, walked around n split. Mad awkward :smh:

And that pic needs looks hella edited :lol: ain't eem mad doh
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BillyHoyle was from the 916????? 
 was he as big of a snake as he is now?

Damn you were probably my age now when the last summit happened 
Yea I remember he talked about goin to school in oregon then. Cool guy when I met him.

And this was after/around 2004ish, cuz I remember riding my bike out there cuz I had just gotten it. Around the time the hemps SBs came out. N I remember Phil rocking a dope giants throwback with orange preme highs :pimp:
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I'd be nervous to meet Nters cuz I don't really dress like a shoehead 

heck 75% of the time when I'm out I'm wearing flip flops or some whack Dunks. I only really wear heat when I'm at the gym, work, or playing ball
I'd be nervous to meet Nters cuz I don't really dress like a shoehead :lol:  

heck 75% of the time when I'm out I'm wearing flip flops or some whack Dunks. I only really wear heat when I'm at the gym, work, or playing ball

I do not know how ill react if I happen to bump into one. None of my friends actually know that I'm into sneakers cus wear the same stuff over and over.
Yay,I just started Final Fantasy 7 for the 1st time ever.
Prepare... Prepare my friend for the greatest journey you will ever encounter in all of our insignificant lives. leave no road unwalked, no stone unturned for it is in that historic mark in all of video games NOOO! in storytelling NOOO!.... experience NAY!!!... movement... will you really discover what is called Art.
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