the thread about nothing...

Has Youtube been loading really slow for anyone else lately?

Yea it has been for me too but then again everything on the internet besides google loads slow on my computer lol. Google got them super servers lol
Btw if I wanna change my screenname, how would I go about that and would I lose my post count?
why is snoop the only one with elf ears on the cover of christmas on death row?

Except Meth directly warned in this thread that the rules still apply. If this was the one thread without rules, then it's hamsterdam.
Somebody had to have told Meth.
This thread was going smoothly, now dudes are scared.
"Guys chill with the porn talk" :smh:
We were within the rules.
People who dont follow back...wassup with you?

How you got 565 followers but you only follow 124...AND YOUR PROFILE IS PRIVATE.

This means you had to take the time to "accept" the person following you, but you dont take the time to follow back?

Is your life that interesting that you feel you deserve that many followers but the overwhelming majority of them arent worthy of being followed?

I really like to know the thought process behind this. I understand if youre a celebrity but all you do is have a blog and a NT account.

If I sound angry I just want to state that Ive never had a twitter account.


6,409 Tweets
0 Following

Plans fell thru on the double date, my girl is sick and my boy didn't want to hang cause he didn't want his chick feeling like the 3rd wheel :smh: thinking of just surprisng my girl at her house bring her some get well stuff and gain points >D
People who dont follow back...wassup with you?

How you got 565 followers but you only follow 124...AND YOUR PROFILE IS PRIVATE.

This means you had to take the time to "accept" the person following you, but you dont take the time to follow back?

Is your life that interesting that you feel you deserve that many followers but the overwhelming majority of them arent worthy of being followed?

I really like to know the thought process behind this. I understand if youre a celebrity but all you do is have a blog and a NT account.

If I sound angry I just want to state that Ive never had a twitter account.


6,409 Tweets
0 Following


well when your kinda known theres a difference, does he even know 1,000 of those followers? probably not :lol:

meh i got like 35 followers, only follow like 23 of them. its some random people i dont care about or dont know :lol:

im not a twitter freak and follow everyone i know or come into contact with. i follow only people i actually want to know where they are doing :lol: sue me
Somebody had to have told Meth.
This thread was going smoothly, now dudes are scared.
"Guys chill with the porn talk" :smh:
We were within the rules.

I feel like he browses this thread and was finally like "these ****** think I'm playin..." :lol:

I want to get a NorthFace jacket for the winter but I don't know where to start looking...

Macy's website, use discount codes. Gander Mountain site, they also might have codes. Amazon is straight too, and ****'s. there's probably a bunch more.

go to your local ****'s or Macy's and try on ones you like to see what fit is best for you. if you have a Sports Zone or DTLR where you live, go there and flirt with whatever young bird is working and try to get a discount. it is not hard, I used to do it all the time.

never buy directly from TNF site. ever :lol:
I want to get a NorthFace jacket for the winter but I don't know where to start looking...

:lol: Tried there already, I ain't eem bout that $500 for a jacket life.

I want to get a NorthFace jacket for the winter but I don't know where to start looking...
u tryna have that man payin Porsche money :lol: , macys, nordstroms, get it before it cools down save some $

Ima check tomorrow, I have a couple jackets already but I never had a NF.
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