the thread about nothing...

So I'm pretty nervous about meeting my girls parents Monday.
We've been dating for over a year and I'm just now meeting them, and it's on her sisters birthday. I'm pretty cool with her sister, but I always get nervous when meeting parents.
We're going to my favorite Italian restaurant, I told her sister it was my favorite place and she invited me and then told her parents about it so yeah can't really turn her down now.
You just fry the whole crab and eat it shell and all on a sandwich. I cook them at work. I think they taste like wood. My favorite is stone crab I'll be at pinchers all the time while their in season. Or just cop from the market. I got the Joe's mayo recipe :pimp:

That sounds gross lol. Cosign on stone crabs. That and dungeness crabs are my favorite.
hate this time of year.. when is football coming back.. hate eating out with friends and all you see is baseball on the television..
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been driving for 10 minutes and heard the ellie goulding song like on three different station. swear the song came out over a year ago..
On my way to Sactomofo event and almost got into 2 accidents because the drivers weren't paying attention. I swear, Sacramento have the worst drivers
Anyone know what TL;DR means? Ive seen it around always wondered what it meant. Has me :nerd:.

Also I saw a quick clip to remind people of season 5 of Sons of Anarchy last night and it had me :D 8) :smh: :rolleyes :x :smokin :smokin :nerd:
All at the same time.
Bummed my og SN w/ almost 9000 posts was lost during the move.
Hungover. Went to an abandoned building with like 3 of my friends last night and got faded on the rooftop. Chilled there until like 6AM... with this female.
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