the thread about nothing...


She can have everything I own, social security #, CC # whole identity.



just post it here




She can have everything I own, social security #, CC # whole identity.




:rofl: :rofl:

Why Mac Miller doe :smh:
I think this is it?

California Emergency Management Agency

3650 Schriever Ave, Mather, CA

Mather is like 10 minutes east of Sacramento towards South Lake Tahoe... Kind of a shady area but depending on the money you make you could live in Folsom/El Dorado Hills which is a really nice area.

I want a shirt!!! You doing donations for shirts? 

People who post pics of ****** *** food cracks me up, I don't mind the pics of fancy foods tho

Wait you play soccer too???? YESSSSSS This is gonna be great! My adult recreational career will be resurrected 

I got any NTer with a shirt! Guaranteed! I am will spend this weekend packing some s*** and preparing shipments for those who PMed me. Also....

I suck at soccer, but it's in my blood....I just never had the intense cardio for that. I respect futbol players. I'm not that good at it. I try though. I play any sport. Volleyball too.

Well beer thirty at work is fun and I am already three beers in tonight. I am getting it in these next 8 days in my hometown. Every night.

I do want to head by my mom's second job tonight aross the way and do something......I was thinking about giving her a lot of money, because she doesn't want anything, but I don't want to insult her.....she doesn't like flowers, material s***, make up or anything. She is not a woman, more of a machine. I already do her yardwork on Sundays and have tried to fix her resume up and get her a better job.....but I can't do it and I get mad frustrated with her and technology. She is too stubborn to let me show her stuff.

* careful of the power of words. You can speak things into existence.

I don't think I ever told anybody this, but before my brother passed in 2002 we started to get closer as he finally started respecting me and stopped picking on me so damn much. We got into a fight when I let my friends sit in one of his cars (his expensive one) and play around with the gears. My Brother came home right as it was happening....he was pissed. I think I muttered under my breathe or thought to myself....."Life would be a lot easier if you just died mother f******" He was getting into a lot of trouble and giving my mom headaches and causing her to worry.

Sure enough....not even a month later he died. Damn. And from my streak of getting into handcuffs more than I'd like to admit....I can understand now what I couldn't back then.


I think I'm only so nice and outgoing and thoughtful now......because long long ago/many years back, I was just like most people. I thought my "problems" and interest were so important. "Oh nooooooo, my shoes creased." "Oh man I missed the Cool Grey XI's....." Boy, was I mistaken.

My mom was so hardcore she made us go down into the basement of the hospital and look at his body and teach us a lesson.

I'll never forget that day. It was me, my sister and my sister's boyfriend at the time (who now plays as a LB for the Detroit Lions by way of Oakland Raiders and UVA Cavaliers).

What a day.....11/23/2002.

Trying to get to 1,000 signatures by Mother's Day! Good looks NT!

I'm out!

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The effluvia of averageness just overwhelmed my senses...

Id love to know more about this conversation and what she said about her paycheck.

The worst part of this is that he probably got made fun of at school for doing this.. You can hear the dude recording about to laugh i think...

Stupid *** teacher though. She was clearly salty because he was right. Not even listening to him just telling him to leave

edit: how do i get out of these quotes :wow:
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^Kinda sad that kids from today on will not know what a video store is. Red Box and Netflix killed that industry.

Its crazy..the blockbusters I used to go to has been like 3/4 different banks since they closed down..

I remember you could rent systems too. Rented an N64 before I had my own :pimp:

I remember getting a Nintendo after I broke my arm in like 1st grade... Mario was hard as hell to beat doe.

Kinda the same here lol. I broke my arm in 3rd grade and my mom took me to Toys r Us. I was trying to cop a Playstation but they were sold out (remember when they used to have tabs sticking out in the aisles if they were sold out or not). I got a Dreamcast instead

I never beat the orginal Mario bros.

My pops, to this very day, still gives me crap about it.

"..But you never saved the princess, doe.."

The one for SNES? I beat that **** like 50 times lol. Its probably my favorite game..



I never beat the Mario for N64 though i dont think.. I remember seeing the last level but im not sure if that was my game...maybe i did..idk
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So here's a quick update on my moving situation. You guys remember yesterday how I told you my roomate screwed me over and I cancelled cable and Internet.

Well today he hits me up talking about paying him the money for this months rent (cause he always pays at the beginning and I pay him back once cable and utilities come in) and I told him I prob wasn't even going to be paying him because of how much he ****** me over and then tried to take shots at me and my girl yesterday so I'm getting good revenge and not paying him almost $400 :lol:

Hate that guy. I know it's a strong word but it's true.

thats a bit harsh if you ask me... :rolleyes
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anyone remember these things
haha this guy I knew in HS makes these things...he has pretty much every old school video game character. Last time I saw him was about a year ago, bruh was wearing a big *** Sonic head around his neck. Interesting dude.
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