the thread about nothing...

room temperature water is the best :smokin

I cant be the only one that damn near passes out when the clippers hit your skin? That vibration ready to put me down.
Just got a call from the hospital again about my 2 test results from last week. More bad news :smh:
My LHRH test was within normal guidelines. My base testosterone levels are extremely low but the stimulation test was fine. So I'm not sure why my base testosterone levels are so low. My next appointment with the head endocrinologist is on the 15th of November so I'll hear more about that then.
The reason they called me in advance is because of the results of the other test.
Earlier this month blood tests showed that my cortisol ("stress hormone") levels are very low. Last week they did an insulin tolerance test to stimulate the cortisol production and see how the cortisol responds. The test is basically injecting insulin to lower your blood sugar to very low levels to induce a lot of internal stress in the body. In a normal person, loads of cortisol should be produced to counter the hypoglycemia.
As it turns out, my results for that test were "extremely low", to use the words of the specialist. Normally my body should have produced loads of cortisol but I performed far below normal guidelines.
They're gonna mail me a prescription for 10mg of hydrocortison per day so I can already start it tomorrow. At this point I have a longer medication list at 22 years old than most of the elderly people I worked with as a nursing student :lol:
Not sure how severe this cortisol problem is but I guess I'll find out next Tuesday on my appointment to discuss the test results.
They're also ordering a scan of my brain on December 8th. Given the test results, they now think something is wrong with my pituitary gland in my brain.
Sometimes I feel like like I'm some sort of science experiment with everything that is horribly wrong in my body :smh: :lol:  

Don't let it get you down fam. Stay diligent with your appointments and meds you gonna be good papi. My grand moms is 82 and in the last 4 years she's beaten pancreatic cancer and after that a heart attack. She all good now and feisty as ever. Keep us posted prayers going out even though I know you'll be good.[emoji]128591[/emoji] #PositiveReinforcements
Asked me to come over last night, but I made an excuse saying I couldn't. Asking me to come over again tonight, trying really hard to say no. Don't want her to feel bad about herself or anything, resisting free and new yambs is so damn difficult. The issue is that she's local so if I hit it won't be a one time thing. If you know you won't get caught, would you still do it. Anyone have experience with having a side chick ? And does it affect your relationship negatively ?

She thinks your single......

What are the chances of you runnin into her wit your girl?

Smash.....then be a sumbag and let her know you got a girl and run game on her and see if shes wit it.
Today is my Friday. 

Going to try and cop that Nintendo Classic in the AM and if I strike out, go back to bed 
A good relationship isn't worth ruining over 15-20 minutes of poontang. It will possibly ruin your gf's self esteem because she might think she's not good enough, or that she did something to make you betray her. Hurting the person you love over a little fun? Yeah, don't do it.

Once you break her trust, your relationship will never be the same. She won't trust you completely anymore.

Cheating only creates unnecessary drama when she finds its definitely not worth it.
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