the thread about nothing...

LMAO. I can relate this. The guy usally finish who got the white Camry is probably well way into to his prayer for him to even leave. But get his older son to move it.

I need to start going to a mosuqe/masjid...i got some sins/Jin's that I'm not proud off.:smh::smh::frown:

And ramdan started a few days ago.
This number with a country code hit me up at like 3 am asking how I was doing. Pretty sure it was my ex so i just read it and deleted it. :lol: that girl does not want problems with my fiancé
Can't take much longer from this job :smh: I'm like 1 step away from putting in a 2 weeks
only advice i can give you without knowing how bad your job is to take a break or vacation..look for other opportunities then make a decision with a clear head.
don't do it when you are feeling some type of way. emotions **** up everyones judgement.
anyone ever watch "Evil Genius" yet on Netflix hearing good things gonna check it out

its bout the pizza bomber
Are you eatinf, vegetabls, fruits etc...daily excersie+brisk 30 minute walk?
If not
That washed thread is a click away.

Played ball for almost 5 days straight took a (restday on wednesday) even when I leave work most of the time I go and play ball.. Plus I gotta walk to the park takes me 30-40 minutes to get there. But I get there Eventually. 3 day work week here we go.

Let's get this money TAN!!

Humble brag post.
I think there's a difference of being lazy and being lethargic due to an unhealthy diet. Yes, my diet is balanced.
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