The U.... vol. Death Penalty?

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by CAto312

One thing that's been overlooked, and I'm loving, is how ESPN got beat to the punch...again by this uber-investigative reporter at Yahoo!

Didn't he work on the OSU and Oregon stories too?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]. i laughed at that too. I get my news else where. they are always hours, in some cases days ahead of ESPN. i heard about this a few days ago, and then Yahoo! dropped the final story like woa.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]the only thing espn is good for imo is post game or game recaps. (MNF also, obviously).[/color]
Any true sport fan knows that ESPN is for the common/casual sports fan.  They really don't go in depth anymore, and stories hardly break on ESPN.

The only time they seem to beat other outlets to the punch is when they create the news.

I rarely watch ESPN now, and most news I get is via NT, Twitter, numerous blogs and websites (SI, Yahoo, etc) I visit.

This isn't something new, Yahoo! has been on the CFB beat for awhile now, they broke the Reggie/Lloyd Lake story and kept the spotlight on it and we all saw the results.

If you are looking for investigative/legit journalism, ESPN is not the place.  'Cause ESPN guys get their nuts cut off as soon as they sign that dotted line.  The Bruce Feldman fiasco is what ESPN has become, unfortunately there are no competitors on the horizon.
  • You guys might know more about this than me, but I don’t think prostitutes give receipts, or strippers for lap dances, nor do abortion clinics denote that the services are for “Jeremy Shockey’s bastard child aborted by stripper
It's going to take a lot more than denials from these "participants" to poke holes in this story.  Charles Robinson stated he wouldn't have published the story if it wasn't corroborated by others.  He even said he left a bunch of names of the list because he couldn't get a 2nd or 3rd party to confirm their participation.

The players, coaches, leeches, etc. have all been identified as being a part of this no only by Nevin Shapiro but by other anonymous/protected sources.

Miami folks are being very optimistic about this, take it one day at a time and let the investigation come to a close.
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

 I always hear the death penalty thrown around (USC, OSU) but this one could be bad. Most likely nothing happens this season but next year, jeez

The death penalty has never been mentioned with USC. Reggie Bush was solely responsible for what happened to our football program (sanctions). I'm not going to get into our basketball conundrum, but as far as football we got *!+%@+ in the %$+ with no vaseline by the NCAA.What happened at Miami & OSU are completely different.
Nevin Shapiro just snitchin' because he feeenished


What they've been showing on ESPN and other sports news outlets has been sensationalist media at its finest, I'm confident that as more days pass more of the truth will come out and this sociopath's faulty claims will be disproved for the most part.

Originally Posted by DT43

  • You guys might know more about this than me, but I don’t think prostitutes give receipts, or strippers for lap dances, nor do abortion clinics denote that the services are for “Jeremy Shockey’s bastard child aborted by stripper
homie doin 20 years in the joint, all those players that he helped out, turned thier backs on him, his hate is warranted. Miami will get hit hard, but no death penalty
Originally Posted by luxurious24

homie doin 20 years in the joint, all those players that he helped out, turned thier backs on him, his hate is warranted. Miami will get hit hard, but no death penalty
Pretty much, he was their for them. You Miami fans who don't want to believe it, just keep telling yourself he is making it all up.
Yahoo doesn't print $#%$ this big if its not happening.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

It's going to take a lot more than denials from these "participants" to poke holes in this story.  Charles Robinson stated he wouldn't have published the story if it wasn't corroborated by others.  He even said he left a bunch of names of the list because he couldn't get a 2nd or 3rd party to confirm their participation.

The players, coaches, leeches, etc. have all been identified as being a part of this no only by Nevin Shapiro but by other anonymous/protected sources.
As of now...there's only one person on record confirming of Shapiro's accusations. Everything else is anonymous and off the record. Last I checked....the word of a convicted con artist and some anonymous sources who aren't willing to go on record weren't enough to prove guilt or wrongdoing. 
Former players who played for UM, and even other school are coming out left and right to say it's BS. People who have no ties to UM and who have nothing to lose or gain by this story. 

This story is the best thing to ever happen to Charles Robinson. Who the hell knew who Charles Robinson was before today? He's been all over TV and radio today because of this. He has person interest in this story because it's making him famous. Shapiro scammed 900 million out of a bunch of rich, smart business men. Fooling some dumb Yahoo reporter would be light work for him. 

If all of this happened, involving so many people, over such a long period of time.....why is only one willing to go on record? Where are these anonymous sources who supposedly exist and why aren't they going on the record if their story holds merit? 

And these aren't just "denials". The facts are finally coming to light. If Shapiro is claiming photos of him and players were taken during 2003 while they were still in school, and the picture was actually taken in 2005 that's not a denial....that's a fact that proves the allegation to be false. 
I think dude is salty cause no players or coachs helped him out

looks like he tried to buy his way in the "U" circle but couldnt

he figures since you all didnt help me ima ruin yall lives and university

which is why im glad we have a justice system

im 100% behind the courts and legal system

im gonna let them do the case and if we got caught and what he has is any means lay the hammer on the "U" (fair is fair).......but if we come off not just might be the fuel to get the swagger on the rise
like we got a statement to make
You better believe that come September 5th these boys are going to be running through that smoke with a chip on their shoulders, they're going to have that "us against the world" attitude.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by luxurious24

homie doin 20 years in the joint, all those players that he helped out, turned thier backs on him, his hate is warranted. Miami will get hit hard, but no death penalty
Pretty much, he was their for them. You Miami fans who don't want to believe it, just keep telling yourself he is making it all up.
Yahoo doesn't print $#%$ this big if its not happening.

Who has said he's making it all up?
I'm certain that some of what he says happened is true. I'm also certain that some of what he says happened is false. 

The guy is a professional liar. And what good liars do is mix in the truth with their lies to make you believe that the entire lie is truth. Parts of his story are already getting exposed, and eventually we'll see which parts where true. 
I don't see how a few verified credit card charges confirm "eyewitness" accounts by Miami's underbelly of XYZ stacks of cash being rained down for this or that...

All ya'll talkin about SMU being some irrelevant Art school and %$$... THE DEATH PENALTY MADE SMU IRRELEVANT! SMU, A&M & UT were all equal in Texas back then. It's the tactical Nuke for athletic programs... NCAA will not be using this...
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by luxurious24

homie doin 20 years in the joint, all those players that he helped out, turned thier backs on him, his hate is warranted. Miami will get hit hard, but no death penalty
Pretty much, he was their for them. You Miami fans who don't want to believe it, just keep telling yourself he is making it all up.
Yahoo doesn't print @@*# this big if its not happening.

His hate is warranted?
A corny dude that was basically paying for college football players to be his friend/make him look good. How did the players turn his back on them? Dude is writing letters from jail trying to extort them.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Classic case of a loser trying to buy friends....these players didn't give 2 %$#@ about the dude. Used him for their money....while he was using them for their "celebrity." 
Randy Phillips: 
Randy Phillips ***** +#@ +#*$%. G checked when I see him. And fyi I never had suspended license go check, and everyone goes to cameo on halloween. Anyone can hold up receipts and accuse others of being there. No more pictures for fans. No one

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Another accusation bites the dust. 

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Naw SMU was never UT or A&M's equal but he cheating helped them get close to them on the field.

If you follow college football you should know who Charles Robinson is and you're a big time football program, you definitely don't want to see Charles Robinson around your school.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by luxurious24

homie doin 20 years in the joint, all those players that he helped out, turned thier backs on him, his hate is warranted. Miami will get hit hard, but no death penalty
Pretty much, he was their for them. You Miami fans who don't want to believe it, just keep telling yourself he is making it all up.
Yahoo doesn't print @@*# this big if its not happening.

His hate is warranted?
A corny dude that was basically paying for college football players to be his friend/make him look good. How did the players turn his back on them? Dude is writing letters from jail trying to extort them.
Yeah the Yahoo! reporters were saying dude is being completely irrational about everything... He defrauded people with a Ponzi scheme and now he has the nerve to say UM players/admin defrauded him
Karma !%!$@
Through a haze of ganja smoke, liquor, ******* and fishing trips homie thought he had bought made lifelong "friends"
What a lonely poor sap


Stat SMU was like the Miami of Texas... UF=UT, A&M=FSU... You right SMU doesn't have the long history A&M or UT has.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by trey ohh five

Nevin Shapiro just snitchin' because he feeenished


 Regardless of how you feel about the issue, this was a dope post. This is why I mess with NT.
*Real. Life. Tears.*
Originally Posted by trey ohh five

You better believe that come September 5th these boys are going to be running through that smoke with a chip on their shoulders, they're going to have that "us against the world" attitude.

You saying that week 1 Jacory only gonna throw 2 INTS and not his usual 3? 
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