The Ultimate Soccer Thread 2011-2012. VOL 2 (EPL,LFP, SERIE A, BUND, ETC.)

Blackburn! 3-2!

That was $#@$%%* terrible by De Gea.
That teamsheet was arrogant as hell...

I don't know what Fergie was thinking...Keane....Pogba?!? lol...Really he should have been focused on gettin the guaranteed W...
^ Yeah it was... a bunch of kids and no Rooney?  
Well that was a horrible display. Poor defense and keeping + unrelenting play by BBR (esp on that 3rd goal)

Exposed at the back too easily... 

Just when you thought De Gea had settled in, he has a game like this. Perhaps time for SAF to decide on either Lind. or De Gea? Who rotates their keepers this much?
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

That teamsheet was arrogant as hell...

I don't know what Fergie was thinking...Keane....Pogba?!? lol...Really he should have been focused on gettin the guaranteed W...
Co-sign.Exactly what i hate about the man.
Like you've said,should have just fielded our strongest lineup and get the 3pts...

Not only that,players were not in their natural position - Rafael at CDM,Jones at CB(trust me,he's better as a CDM) and Welbeck almost as a left winger...

Quite frankly,United didn't deserve to just don't concede 3 goals at home to a team that's in the relegation zone...
I'm telling you...Mancini is probably standing there like


thinking, thank God SAF made such a mistake, and will try and shut the door throwing on Aguero, Silva, Nasri etc...and try and hit a 5-0. 

Such a reckless decision from SAF, to not even throw in one or two heavy-hitters just incase?  Especially after just seeing how Yakubu recently has been in form? 
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

...thank God SAF made such a mistake, and will try and shut the door throwing on Aguero, Silva, Nasri etc...and try and hit a 5-0. 

Such a reckless decision from SAF, to not even throw in one or two heavy-hitters just incase?  Especially after just seeing how Yakubu recently has been in form? 
Cocky.Complacent.Sir Alex got what he deserved today.
He'll remember this birthday for the rest of his life i'm sure...
Originally Posted by Keepie Uppie

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

...thank God SAF made such a mistake, and will try and shut the door throwing on Aguero, Silva, Nasri etc...and try and hit a 5-0. 

Such a reckless decision from SAF, to not even throw in one or two heavy-hitters just incase?  Especially after just seeing how Yakubu recently has been in form? 
Cocky.Complacent.Sir Alex got what he deserved today.
He'll remember this birthday for the rest of his life i'm sure...

he'll also remember 20 championships for the rest of his life.  Arsenal fans will remember their loss in the carling cup.
Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by Keepie Uppie

Cocky.Complacent.Sir Alex got what he deserved today.
He'll remember this birthday for the rest of his life i'm sure...
he'll also remember 20 championships for the rest of his life.  Arsenal fans will remember their loss in the carling cup.
i'm as loyal as the next United fan,but you gotta admit that Sir Alex got it all wrong today...

and let's not get carried away with title number 20...
United has been pretty lucky to still be joint top of the league 'cos teams like Arsenal,Liverpool and Chelsea have slipped up so early in the season...
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

TV5 being mistaken for Kos and getting the yellow card

No one should have as many chances as Arshavin

lol I saw that yellow card incident...
And Ashravin might be in Russia in they say....
Originally Posted by Keepie Uppie

Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by Keepie Uppie

Cocky.Complacent.Sir Alex got what he deserved today.
He'll remember this birthday for the rest of his life i'm sure...
he'll also remember 20 championships for the rest of his life.  Arsenal fans will remember their loss in the carling cup.
i'm as loyal as the next United fan,but you gotta admit that Sir Alex got it all wrong today...

and let's not get carried away with title number 20...
United has been pretty lucky to still be joint top of the league 'cos teams like Arsenal,Liverpool and Chelsea have slipped up so early in the season...
Yeah, credit where credit is due and the same goes for criticism.  He underestimated the opponents today and got bitten in the ++*+ for it.
Happy New Year dude.

But Petrov!?  How the hell did he get some much room!?  Terry mistakes followed by Lampard mistakes!  
welp, just woke up, saw the result, upset, but turned the tv on just in time to see darren bent seal a chelsea defeat
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