The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I would say shows on HBO do have an edge because of the content they can't actually show. Imagine Walking dead on HBO?!

It's true! HBO wanted the series but they couldn't agree to the violence content. Which shocked me cause am I the only one that was saved from being a criminal after watching OZ as a 13 year old? I straighten up after watching that series! No way was I gonna end up in prision!
It's true! HBO wanted the series but they couldn't agree to the violence content. Which shocked me cause am I the only one that was saved from being a criminal after watching OZ as a 13 year old? I straighten up after watching that series! No way was I gonna end up in prision!

Kinda shocking they didn't pick up Walking Dead. Oz had cats raping each other. Beacher took a crap in Verns face.
It's true! HBO wanted the series but they couldn't agree to the violence content. Which shocked me cause am I the only one that was saved from being a criminal after watching OZ as a 13 year old? I straighten up after watching that series! No way was I gonna end up in prision!

Kinda shocking they didn't pick up Walking Dead. Oz had cats raping each other. Beacher took a crap in Verns face.

yup HBO had a chance:

Did some google searching walking dead was pitched to nbc and hbo a few years ago but both deemed it too violent. Hbo of all people deemed something too violent. Must have been smoking on something that day of the pitch. Hbo would have went with it if they agreed to tone down the violence.

Also breaking bad was pitched to hbo as well.

TVs what ifs basically.
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I jus wanna know If their gonna reveal who the man/women that was driving the truck full of walkers or if they were gonna save that for season 4
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besides the rims on the caprice being different in back to back did merle manage to exit the prison with michonne without being detected...did he use the other entrance that tyrese and his group came through?
Nah, not at all. It's a damn prediction whether it's probably or possible shouldn't matter. If we start doing that might as well put every post in a spoiler tag.
Did you really need to add "damn"? Made you feel powerful huh? It was a joke man :rolleyes
Damn, I didn't know you was so sensitive. Next time I'll say "darn". :lol: @ made me feel powerful. Sorry I didn't get your unfunny joke.
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so the dragged this whole story to the end and won't finish til next season?
really, it's like a 9 on 9 "war" lol
I jus wanna know If their gonna reveal who the man/women that was driving the truck full of walkers or if they were gonna save that for season 4

Not this again.

That character probably had zero significance. Andrea had no idea what was going on and obviously was trying to be a peace keeper. No one else at Woodbury has any connection to Rick's group. It was probably just a random henchmen. They were probably armoured up because they drove a truck full of walkers into a firefight and had to go back out on foot.
why is everyone saying that the 'governor' era doesn't end this season?

I honestly don't think it will, I think they will still be using this story until at least the midpoint of the next series,

Really hope im wrong on this as im sick of this Jail story, they can go anywhere and they stay stuck on a Barn and then a Prison :smh:
almost 10 million viewers per episode and they have a low budget and D-class writers tho?

main problem with the show currently is that they are not on the move (season 2 and 3) compared to how much ground was covered in the first 6 episodes. There is no element of mystery anymore, the show is not making the viewers guess as to what they might encounter next let alone the wider picture of what started the zombie outbreak. Right now its just a 9 on 9 soap opera with the walkers being a minor inconvenience. The main point is that they need to be constantly moving for the show to be suspenseful and interesting e.g. the best episode of this season was when they went to the town and came across Morgan.

having said that, im still gonna watch the show because GOT is not on yet and of the time i already invested.
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Well just got caught up ...

Saw the preview for the next episode, dude's be using grenade launchers? Damn ...
Damn, I didn't know you was so sensitive. Next time I'll say "darn". :lol: @ made me feel powerful. Sorry I didn't get your unfunny joke.
It wasn't meant to be funny. Not everyone is on NT in hopes of getting laughs. It was a sarcastic response to his prediction because I feel that it is very possible. Sensitive? Far from it. Just as you interpreted my post as an actual joke meant to make you laugh, I interpreted your post incorrectly. People normally curse to talk down, show aggression, or because their vocabulary is short. Which was it for you?
almost 10 million viewers per episode and they have a low budget and D-class writers tho?

main problem with the show currently is that they are not on the move (season 2 and 3) compared to how much ground was covered in the first 6 episodes. There is no element of mystery anymore, the show is not making the viewers guess as to what they might encounter next let alone the wider picture of what started the zombie outbreak. Right now its just a 9 on 9 soap opera with the walkers being a minor inconvenience. The main point is that they need to be constantly moving for the show to be suspenseful and interesting e.g. the best episode of this season was when they went to the town and came across Morgan.

having said that, im still gonna watch the show because GOT is not on yet and of the time i already invested.

That's why I said next season they need to be heading north to DC and run into things along the way (more people, more deaths, more supplies, group split ups) then at the end of season 4 have them finally reach DC and it shows a glimpse of a DC around the city goin on like a normal city or a huge Woodbury. Then season 5 should be them in DC talkin to maybe some military guys n scientist about what they have seen and know as far as the virus maybe have Milton a part of the group n he tells the military guys they found signs of memory in a walker n BINGO the military guy sees how helpful the group can be and they slowly make there way to the president of the United States who is underground in a bunker in DC with a team working 24 hours with people around the world. That would up sooooo much mystery to show and people would be hooked again
I felt a group split up would've been perfect when Shane was on the show. Miss that dude. Whose gonna be the wildcard now that Merle is gone?
My main problem with this show is pacing. Otherwise I love this show. And who ever said it feels like the writers don't communicate between episodes... I know what you mean.
who remembers the people that called the prison at the beginning of the season and rick talk ... i think the phone merle took might gave a hint or something

The phone was simply to knock Michonne out... Has no significance.. And the people that called was just Rick hearing things.
The phone was simply to knock Michonne out... Has no significance.. And the people that called was just Rick hearing things.

The phone was used only for the wires to tie Michonne up. I don't think Merle would walk around in the tunnel with Michonne carrying a phone that size.
The phone was used only for the wires to tie Michonne up. I don't think Merle would walk around in the tunnel with Michonne carrying a phone that size.

I personally think the phone was to call lori, who really is still Alive and to crash the gates again with her zombie truck again. Yes, season spoiler alert Lori is the driver, Ricks visions weren't visons , they were real, she's a traiter
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