The Walking Dead - Official Thread

semi wished the gov died a slow slow death. would rather have seen him getting a walker orgy than his side piece shooting his head

that lesbian chick that used to serve has no morals
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I flipped to AMC and caught Michonne impaling the Gov over a messed up Rick. I really aint know what was going but it was nice to know he was dead finally. Any time I'd catch some of the show all I'd see is the Governor and ppl I aint ever seen so I was just disappointed things hadn't changed.
great, great ep!
lol at some of yall saying glenn was useless... dude was sick and couldn't even walk under his own power :lol:
:rofl: at "carol's soldiers"
wish he gov died slower :\ but still good news........he died

:wow: :rofl: at carols stunt double!
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Son this was the most amazing 30 minutes I've ever seen in the walking dead...

My feels are all over the place...they redeemed themselves for every bull**** episode I was forced to watch.
Wow a lot happened tonight. Hate to see hershal go out like that. Michonne told Gov in the camper she was gonna slice him and she did. :smokin Camp basically is split up again. Now we get to see seperate story lines on ea groups survival. Would like to see carol pop back up as a bad@55 :smokin
I'm almost positive judging by the subtle hints of this episode that it was carols soldiers who killed Tyrese shorty, Carol caught them and cleaned up for them and took the hit, this episode little girl saved Tyrese, so I'm sure that's how Tyrese is able to cope with it and look passed it when they find out, and my bet is Carol is the one to help them next season when they are out in the open, Only thing that irked me was that the death poor Herschel got was the one the ************ governor deserved....homies death was beyond gruesome and the governors not so much....I was hoping Michonne would split that ****** in half.

Carl snappin had my feels, that little dude is a fort and keeps it together through everything...him, Darryl and Michonne are the lifelines of this show.

Carls Stunt double is a 31 year old female names Ashley lol. I didnt know the actor who plays Rick has such a strong accent. Cant tell at all in the show. I guess thats why you call it acting.
Great mid season finale!


-The plan for the Gov and his group was to make the prison their new home yet they're blowing up the damn building into pieces?
- :lol: @ Daryl using the zombie as a shield when the scene right after that was Bob talking about exit wounds

Great mid season finale!


-The plan for the Gov and his group was to make the prison their new home yet they're blowing up the damn building into pieces?
@ Daryl using the zombie as a shield when the scene right after that was Bob talking about exit wounds

They struggled with the Governor's character.  In the comic he was a lunatic and everything he did was crazy, so behavior like this would have been par for the course.  The character was scary because he was unpredictable, but it made you question why anyone, let alone a town full of people and ex military would follow him.

With the TV show they made the governor more strategic and intelligent, but what that ended up doing was making events like the "knock down the fences, kill them all [by shooting a tank at the walls]" not make any sense.

I get that the point is he cared more about killing Rick et al more than he did protecting his people, but after spending the last two episodes and the first half of this one emphasizing how he's slightly changed and has different priorities some of his actions made no sense.

His character was poorly written and inconsistent.
Great mid season finale!


-The plan for the Gov and his group was to make the prison their new home yet they're blowing up the damn building into pieces?

- :lol: @ Daryl using the zombie as a shield when the scene right after that was Bob talking about exit wounds


They struggled with the Governor's character.  In the comic he was a lunatic and everything he did was crazy, so behavior like this would have been par for the course.  The character was scary because he was unpredictable, but it made you question why anyone, let alone a town full of people and ex military would follow him.

With the TV show they made the governor more strategic and intelligent, but what that ended up doing was making events like the "knock down the fences, kill them all [by shooting a tank at the walls]" not make any sense.

I get that the point is he cared more about killing Rick et al more than he did protecting his people, but after spending the last two episodes and the first half of this one emphasizing how he's slightly changed and has different priorities some of his actions made no sense.

His character was poorly written and inconsistent.

I interpreted the good guy Governor act as him trying to be something he wasn't, not necessarily that he WAS changed. So his rampage on the prison tonite made perfect sense--that's who he was and he just let it out instead of trying to deny his bloodlust. Never for one second did I believe he had changed this season. I just saw it as the writers juxtaposing what we knew he was capable of with the "changed" man who he thought he could be.
but it made you question why anyone, let alone a town full of people and ex military would follow him.

People subconsciously want to be led and with military dudes that should be self explanatory.

Them being in a crisis situation magnifies that whole dynamic & makes them easier to control.

Governor was depressed and having a surrogate family curbed his pyscho ways...but once back near a power structure he went back to doing his thing. Removing all threats or anyone who would stand up to him then taking over.

Rick calling his bluff and the little stupid girl getting bit removed what little fu@ks he found from the equation. The sheep followed and got slaughtered.
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i am legit sad/angry right now.
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i am legit sad/angry right now.
I was trying to avoid spoilers, not going into this thread, and then I saw "HERSCHEL NOOOOOOOOOO" in the preview section on the right lol.

Damn you new NT  

Watched it just now anyway, good episode. 
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Herch said he didnt know he was getting killed until the 4th EP. I think ratings is down and they need to save some money

good episode.

all this 'amazing' talk shows me what people are expecting and why we see so many complaints.
I think it's time for Michonne and Tyrese to mention the voices on the radio


More info on this storyline :nerd:

Part of me hates being invested in this show knowing there's no endgame/cure/explanation for the zombie outbreak and it's just a story about survival. I'm still watching either way, I just do wish that was part of The Walking Dead.
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