The Walking Dead - Official Thread

RIP Gov 
Great mid season finale!


-The plan for the Gov and his group was to make the prison their new home yet they're blowing up the damn building into pieces?

- :lol: @ Daryl using the zombie as a shield when the scene right after that was Bob talking about exit wounds


They struggled with the Governor's character.  In the comic he was a lunatic and everything he did was crazy, so behavior like this would have been par for the course.  The character was scary because he was unpredictable, but it made you question why anyone, let alone a town full of people and ex military would follow him.

With the TV show they made the governor more strategic and intelligent, but what that ended up doing was making events like the "knock down the fences, kill them all [by shooting a tank at the walls]" not make any sense.

I get that the point is he cared more about killing Rick et al more than he did protecting his people, but after spending the last two episodes and the first half of this one emphasizing how he's slightly changed and has different priorities some of his actions made no sense.

His character was poorly written and inconsistent.

I interpreted the good guy Governor act as him trying to be something he wasn't, not necessarily that he WAS changed. So his rampage on the prison tonite made perfect sense--that's who he was and he just let it out instead of trying to deny his bloodlust. Never for one second did I believe he had changed this season. I just saw it as the writers juxtaposing what we knew he was capable of with the "changed" man who he thought he could be.

Kirkman explained on Talking Dead how the writers wanted to make the character different than the one from the comic.
Anyway, I remember last week's episode and the lesbian said something about Smith and Wesson and not wanting big guns.

I think that's how she hinted she was a lesbian but WTF? I don't get the pun.
Good episode. This should of been the finale for last season. Just when i thought i could quit watching this they pull me right back :smh:
I am so glad they are out of the prison. I think a zombie movie should be based also on survival on the road rather than just being confined in one place. Even from a show perspective, it just gets boring to see the same locations over and over.

And Herschel should have died a long time ago. Some of this stuff seems like it should be a crazy climax to a finale but I think this is just stuff that should have happened a long time ago.
But rick will die quickly, dude got beaten to near death, shot in the leg, assuming that it didn't hit a main artery.

dude is on life support while carl drags him away


Pretty Good episode. I hadn't watched an episode since last years midseason. I think I'm back on the train
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C'mon Man!!!!

yall knw we can see the "spoiler images" in the "recent images" on the right?!?!?

What was up with Hersh crawling away after getting his neck sliced. That was gruesome man. Did he really think he was gonna live?
What was up with Hersh crawling away after getting his neck sliced. That was gruesome man. Did he really think he was gonna live?

He was still alive, I jumped in joy thinking Michonne would be able to at least save him to say good bye to his girls, then the Gov comes and finishes him off with the fatality...that was ODEE :lol:

But they honored Herschel with a better death than Merle and Andrea....yo the Gov cost Ricks group three major losses....dude should have been split to pieces....letting that rookie to the show off him was a slap in the face to the OGs
What was up with Hersh crawling away after getting his neck sliced. That was gruesome man. Did he really think he was gonna live?

Natural human reaction. He was too active and mobile to just get hit by a sword though. In fact I don't understand why it didn't take half his head off. It looked like a machete instead of a sword.
I was hoping for michonne to slice both his arms and his other eye.  Let that dude live like that.
I was hoping for michonne to slice both his arms and his other eye.  Let that dude live like that.

Now that I think about it, Michone shoulda done that fool like she did her ex boyfriend....cut off his arms and jaw, tie him up and keep him as a zombie repellent....that would have been AWESOME.
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