The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I want to find out about the group Michonne was with before.

Someone had to teach her how to use that Katana and how to keep the walkers off her using zombie pets.
What happened to michonne baby :nerd:

Don't know if she had one yet. It appeared to be just a dream about an ideal future she wanted to have with her "lover." Whether because that was the current course their relationship was on or now in hindsight putting that into perspective of what they could have had looking much better in comparison to the current state of the world, we don't know.

How it transformed to what looked like a great, happy and high-class kind of life to one of fear and darkness was pretty creepy I thought though.. :lol:
I want to find out about the group Michonne was with before.

Someone had to teach her how to use that Katana and how to keep the walkers off her using zombie pets.

in the comics it was stated that she did fencing. She was already skilled somewhat with a sword
That's about all I got too..People are getting mad cause a couple of us didn't like the episode, but I'd love to know why yall thought it was so great?..The only really good point was the Michone flashback..Other than that it basically was a throw away ep. that did nothing to advance the season..
Did you even watch the previous season? If so you would'nt have said that this episode didn't advance the season. You expect them all to run away from the prison and buck up into each other right away? Especially if they all ran off into different directions?
Its a series.... Not a movie. There is no set deadline for them to pack in all the action.

I really thought Rick was dead though. I think I was happy to see how carl would make out.
I enjoyed the episode. I mentioned before about how lonely of an episode it was. The barren streets and desolate world after all the chaos and even prior to that with the rebuilding of a family in the prison. Surrounded by life and suddenly back to being alone. I think it brought back the human element to these characters when we saw Carl and Michonne breakdown emotionally and Rick physically.
I thought it was a pretty logical episode after the mid-season finale. It seemed slow, but didn't drag to me. Next week's looks pretty intense and I'm feeling like Glenn's days are really numbered.
I thought it was a pretty logical episode after the mid-season finale. It seemed slow, but didn't drag to me. Next week's looks pretty intense and I'm feeling like Glenn's days are really numbered.

Well for season premiere's, usually they should start off on a better foot forward. That is how most season premiere's should be or at least have a cliff hanger ending. Just reminds me of the episode last season that was based on the governor that was a total side story to the actually main story. It added character development for sure by the end of it, it all amounted to nothing and he should have died a long time ago. It's like we had a enough character development with him being demented. We don't need to know he has a soft side.

This episode was just a stand out for the kid. The flashback/dream was cool and them reuniting was sort of a nice ending but it just seemed like a long dragged out show for just that.
After having a day to think about the episode, I thought it was an ok for a premiere. It is a different look from the whole confined space of the prison, it was nice to be out of there and having the characters explore.

I am pretty excited to see next weeks episode since we get to catch up with the rest of the group.
Glenn definitely needs to go.....he's gone from one of my favs to the new Lori.

And Darryl's losing clout too. Is he piping that blonde shorty?? 
 First Carol now this?? 

Maggie and a T-Dawg Zombie Cameo might be the only thing reviving this season.

Oh, and Michonne is one bad *** "Ninja"
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Did you even watch the previous season? If so you would'nt have said that this episode didn't advance the season. You expect them all to run away from the prison and buck up into each other right away? Especially if they all ran off into different directions?

I've watched every episode so I'm pretty sure that I am qualified to form my own opinion..People keep saying I expected them all to reunite in the first episode back, but nowhere did I say anything like that..IT WAS A BORING EPISODE..just 40 minutes of Carl acting like he's older/more mature than he really is, Carl not listening and going off on his own, and Carl thinking he's a tough guy when he's really just a scared kid..All those elements have been done in several previous episodes..So none of this was anything new or exciting..The Michone flashback/dream/hallucination/alternate reality sequence was pretty cool and I liked how it gave us a little more detail about who Michone was..

I think those that are saying it was a very good episode just don't want to admit to themselves that the writers dropped the ball on this episode..Especially considering this is the mid season premier..They could have shown how each group got out of the prison and went in different directions and the physical condition they're in..That would have been better..But you don't come back from that long of a layoff only to show Carl being an as**ole for 40 minutes..
I used to hate michonne now I love her.

I used to love Glenn now I hate him.

I will always hate corl.
i cant stand carl. his dbagness shot up tenfold yesterday. like we headshotting walkers while doing donuts in the whip on a farm and this dude cant even aim for the head 2 ft away while ol boy took his js
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I used to hate michonne now I love her.

I used to love Glenn now I hate him.

I will always hate corl.

Haha. Same here. Hated Michonne cause she seemed such a one sided character even in the acting sense. That dream sort of put her in different light that shows that she has had to become that person because of her past. I used to like Glenn and his whole story line getting with his girl was interesting but now he just seems like he always has to protect her of vice versa.

And I have been hating "Corl" for a minute and even RIck. The actor who plays Rick reminds me of Christian Bale in Batman. All he does is yell or have like a very limited range, sort of how I feel about Michonne.
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This season might be the season they lose me, I use to couldn't wait to watch the show but now it's kind of boring
Haha. Same here. Hated Michonne cause she seemed such a one sided character even in the acting sense. That dream sort of put her in different light that shows that she has had to become that person because of her past. I used to like Glenn and his whole story line getting with his girl was interesting but now he just seems like he always has to protect her of vice versa.

And I have been hating "Corl" for a minute and even RIck. The actor who plays Rick reminds me of Christian Bale in Batman. All he does is yell or have like a very limited range, sort of how I feel about Michonne.

Kerwl is a total douche..I think the thing that makes me hate him is the fact he's just like his stupid mom..That ***** spent every episode saying the same thing: "Has anyone seen Carl?" "Do you know where Carl is?" "Carl, where are you!!"..

And I go back and forth between liking Rick and hating him..But his accent is so unbelievably bad that it's comical..
Yes, the episode was slow but it was good to see a little bit of Michonne's background.

I actually liked this episode with Carl because it shows that he is still a little kid and he still wants to be a little kid but can't because of the world he lives in. When he was on the roof eating pudding, I just felt that he wanted to be a kid again and relax. Unfortunately, there's a walker with his hand outside the window looking to get him.

Glad Michonne found Rick and Carl and it was really nice to hear Rick say "it's for you".

right that was pretty evident when he saw the xbox and the games. i even felt for him because i was like damn his childhood was stolen from him. I thought rick was dead im glad Carl didnt shoot him...that wouldve sucked. and i would have whooped carl. making me call him 3 and 4 times before i get a response...chile please.
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Episode wasn't very good. Carl and his habitual line stepping self wasting bullets like he can just collect more off dead bodies like a scavenger perk in Call of Duty. This little man puffin his chest out only to get his shoe taken. :lol:

He's lucky there wasn't walkers in the vicinity to hear all those gunshots. In earlier parts of the series, they would let off one shot and hundreds of those things would come out of the woodwork.
I've missed a lot of episodes so IDK how everyone got displaced but I caught last night's episode and wow I thought Rick was going to be a goner.

Carl still soft as baby ****, he wouldn't last 72 hours without Rick.

Can't even solo a medium zombie. He'd have been a goner had that zombie been any bigger/aggressive.

Michonne is a ******' beast with that katana.
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I've missed a lot of episodes so IDK how everyone got displaced but I caught last night's episode and wow I thought Rick was going to be a goner.

Carl still soft as baby ****, he wouldn't last 72 hours without Rick.

Can't even solo a medium zombie. He'd have been a goner had that zombie been any bigger/aggressive.

Michonne is a ******' beast with that katana.

I must just watch too many shows or movies. Rule of thumb is you never kill the main character. It's sitcom suicide. As much as Rick might not be the most favorite character, he is the anchor of the show. Killing him could literally kill the whole franchise. I knew for fact nothing was going to happen to him. Matter a fact, when he didn't wake up from his sleep, I knew this was going to be a spin off episode concentrating on the kid.

But Walking Dead seems pretty conservative with killing characters. Most that died as of late made total sense whether the Governor, Andrea, and Herschel . There hasn't been like a total unwarranted death, which I love so much in shows.
It was a decent midseason premiere to me. Felt a little like a throaway episode but whatevs..........Im sure the show'll pick up soon.
I still love it.
Are we ever going to find out the story behind the black helicopters?

Or nah? Plot hole forever....
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