The Walking Dead - Official Thread

thats hollywood.

these dumb *** producers think they NEED gimmicks to keep people watching, as if the story alone isnt enough

But the story was about the group feeling untouchable and gettting knocked back to reality. The death of the character will be dealt with next season. If they would have shown a gruesome death of a character and the finale ended, THAT to me would seem like more of a gimmick. People invested in the story want to see what is next....not just a cool death scene.
If your are going to excute that great of a last 12 minutes, then you have to have another episode. We should have seen who died and then the cliffhanger be Rick and co in shambles. I mean they set it up all season with them actually saying 'we have it figured out, we will be ok' every other episode. Seeing the group not know which ways is up plus have Alexandria about to be invaded by saviors would have been a good cliffhanger. IMO.
Originally Posted by Willchamberlain

Magnificent. But the cast over exaggerated like a mfer. When Rick said it made him sick to his stomach etc.
Exactly what I said as soon as it ended.

"That... was the gutwrenching scene that had the cast all throwing up and what not?"

Kinda tame.
It's a series finale. Of course it's a cliffhanger.

nonsense excuse

you can't cliffhanger a moment like that, a moment tat has hung over the franchise for 2 seasons, an event that the whole season appeared to moving towards, and even that the entire second half was essentially alluding to, making the viewer wait 8 months.

not to mention its an iconic moment from the books.

To have that essentially happen off camera, is insanely stupid, and needlessly testing the will of the audience to continue caring.
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At some point you have to give the audience resolution, an audience that has invested 16 hours into this and you cliffhanger them AGAIN?

Cliffhanger that just reeks of a cynical ratings ploy.

(a ploy that has the potential to back fire in a major way).

Its the sign of a writer with zero regard for their audience or the story he's trying to tell. :smh:

I thought they righted the ship last season, now its off the rails again.
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But the story was about the group feeling untouchable and gettting knocked back to reality. The death of the character will be dealt with next season. If they would have shown a gruesome death of a character and the finale ended, THAT to me would seem like more of a gimmick. People invested in the story want to see what is next....not just a cool death scene.

my comments have nothing at all to do with seeing a cool death scene.

when i cite the story, im speaking about the entire story. meaning the entire story already has us invested.

but thats the new popular format for these shows. these gimmicky type cliffhangers to keep people watching. be it Scandal, Empire, How to get away with Murder, etc.

i dont see how people do it. its why i try to stick to shows on pay television like HBO. the only regular network shows i watch are Underground and The Walking Dead.

technically, i gave up on Walking Dead ages ago. i just watch now to see where the characters end up and see if they ever reveal anything on what the disease is, im no where near invested enough to get upset over what dumb stuff the producers decide, i expect it now.

however, this season has been an improvement.
At some point you have to give the audience resolution, an audience that has invested 16 hours into this and you cliffhanger them AGAIN?

Cliffhanger that just reeks of a cynical ratings ploy.

(a ploy that has the potential to back fire in a major way).

Its the sign of a writer with zero regard for their audience or the story he's trying to tell. :smh:

I thought they righted the ship last season, now its off the rails again.

im sure it all boils down to money.

whatever viewing records they break = $$$$$
my comments have nothing at all to do with seeing a cool death scene.

when i cite the story, im speaking about the entire story. meaning the entire story already has us invested.

but thats the new popular format for these shows. these gimmicky type cliffhangers to keep people watching. be it Scandal, Empire, How to get away with Murder, etc.

i dont see how people do it. its why i try to stick to shows on pay television like HBO. the only regular network shows i watch are Underground and The Walking Dead.

technically, i gave up on Walking Dead ages ago. i just watch now to see where the characters end up and see if they ever reveal anything on what the disease is, im no where near invested enough to get upset over what dumb stuff the producers decide, i expect it now.

however, this season has been an improvement.

I think I read somewhere that Fear The Walking Dead is suppose to reveal more about the origins of the virus in the future. I'm not sure if I want that....I think it should be left unknown. I tried to get into Fear, but I lost interest.
im sure it all boils down to money.

whatever viewing records they break = $$$$$

I think it's going to back fire.

It's such a colossally short sighted move.

I think I read somewhere that Fear The Walking Dead is suppose to reveal more about the origins of the virus in the future. I'm not sure if I want that....I think it should be left unknown. I tried to get into Fear, but I lost interest.

Really stupid idea. Does anybody seriously care about how this started. That has nothing to do with the show.
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Ill be watching both Walking Dead shows until they end. So regardless if how this season ends, ill be ready in October. Its a show guys....not that serious. Watch if u want, dont if u dont.
I think I read somewhere that Fear The Walking Dead is suppose to reveal more about the origins of the virus in the future. I'm not sure if I want that....I think it should be left unknown. I tried to get into Fear, but I lost interest.

i loathe characters purposely written stupid in order to create drama/situations. there's too much of that in Fear of the Walking Dead for me.

ill just have to read about it.

I think it's going to back fire.

i dont.

its the standard nowadays.

It's such a colossally short sighted move.
Really stupid idea. Does anybody seriously care about how this started. That has nothing to do with the show.

i care.
not enough to watch that garbage show, but i am interested.
Yeah as a fan of the show since the beginning, being invested in the core characters I'm actually insulted, I've defended this show when people complaint about how it drags and watch r as a soap opera, other seasons have ended in cliffhangers, but this wasn't that, this was utter disrespect to the literally teased me with a bottle of Poland spring while we crossed the sahara, we get to a town with water fountains everywhere and now you wire my mouth shut....we deserve better than that, complete scum **** move.
Yeah as a fan of the show since the beginning, being invested in the core characters I'm actually insulted, I've defended this show when people complaint about how it drags and watch r as a soap opera, other seasons have ended in cliffhangers, but this wasn't that, this was utter disrespect to the literally teased me with a bottle of Poland spring while we crossed the sahara, we get to a town with water fountains everywhere and now you wire my mouth shut....we deserve better than that, complete scum **** move.


all it is man.

its not just this show. you havent noticed the trend?

its all about hashtags and tracking who's talking about it online now.
Originally Posted by KOD843

I actually wouldn't mind seeing how it started
Watch Season 1 of Fear The Walking Dead, and jump into Season 2 next Sunday.

To me, Fear TWD is INFINITELY better than TWD.

all it is man.

its not just this show. you havent noticed the trend?

its all about hashtags and tracking who's talking about it online now.

You realize If peoples stop watchin you lose the "$$$$$$" right?

Bad cliff hangers can lose you as many veiwers as a good cliffhanger can save you.
I read that its Abe. Negan pointed his head at carl then rick, and abe is one of the people between them. We'll probably find out as soon as they start shooting scenes for next season anyways so technically less than 6 months.
I'm justn going to stick to the comic, this show is a waste of time.

exploring how it started is basically antithetical to the initial thesis of the comic book.

so yeah you can keep FTWD.
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I read that its Abe. Negan pointed his head at carl then rick, and abe is one of the people between them. We'll probably find out as soon as they start shooting scenes for next season anyways so technically less than 6 months.

another dumb aspect of this. the set photos will poil who is dead.

scott gimple really snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Watch Season 1 of Fear The Walking Dead, and jump into Season 2 next Sunday.

To me, Fear TWD is INFINITELY better than TWD.

Hahahahahaha, you can't be serious. I know it's your opinion, but I respectfully say false.

Fear was decent, at best. It has promise to be better, but it will never surpass TWD. I wasn't ever completely drawn into the story in Fear like I was with TWD.

The best part about Fear is the druggy Johnny Depp kid, & the sexy girl.
Haven't read the comics before but Neegan is with the [emoji]128169[/emoji]s. [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] some of you should calm down it's just a tv show.

Great episode. I'll forget about it and catch Game of thrones :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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You realize If peoples stop watchin you lose the "$$$$$$" right?

yeah, no ****.
as i said before, i dont think people will stop watching, cliffhangers like this has become standard procedure....for the second time.

these producers just keep crossing the line
but people keep watching.

its like Michael Bay movies
his movies break records so he doesnt thing he's doing anything wrong

Think it was Abe.

Hugged by Eugene.
Willing to have a child.
Rose up when Neegan stepped in front of him.
Was near Rick and Carl, and both figure to be safe.

I think Abe just got brained.
If we are to analyze this with common sense, we didn't hear Glenn or Maggie scream during the blows, which would have been something either one of them had done if it was one of them, the fact that the victim took the first shot like a champ, cancels out any of the girls and practically anyone else besides Abe....I think he's the only one with the physique to take that first blow....anyone else woulda been out.

But TWD doesn't really follow logic, so at this point, anyone is up for grabs, it has to be a major character tho...killing Eugene, Rosita or Adam would be dumb.

Only thing I liked out of the finale is the intro to Ezequiels peeps, can't wait to see his tiger and the fact that Morgan FINALLY came around and my bae is safe.
Guess it is cool to post spoilers about the kingdom then???

Well glad it is over and won't have to think about this show until later on in the year.

The way this episode spent a lot of time on abraham makes me think it might be him. Guess he can't keep catching W's

Was hoping for Carol & Glenn. :rolleyes

Guess Carol is coming back with a G unit vest and taking out dudes. :rofl:
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