The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Why would you want Carol offed? She's been the best thing the show has offered us...JDM is a greatttttttt counterpart to Rick, dude is gonna carry the show and act circles around everyone
I mean i appreciate the growth Carol's character has had throughout the series but the last two seasons have just been OD.

Crazy walking dead logic where they make it seem like an old average shape lady can take out anyone.
Originally Posted by bonde111
Originally Posted by DarthSka

Watch Season 1 of Fear The Walking Dead, and jump into Season 2 next Sunday.

To me, Fear TWD is INFINITELY better than TWD.
Hahahahahaha, you can't be serious. I know it's your opinion, but I respectfully say false.

Fear was decent, at best. It has promise to be better, but it will never surpass TWD. I wasn't ever completely drawn into the story in Fear like I was with TWD.

The best part about Fear is the druggy Johnny Depp kid, & the sexy girl.
TWD is a terrible show.

And I've seen every single episode.

Negan is now the best actor on the show, BY FAR, and he's only had 10 mintues.
Don't think it was glen just because I think you would hear a woman scream in the background (Maggie) my money is in on rosita :stoneface:
Disappointed in the finale... Super slow and left us hanging at the end there 
What a stupid way to end a show. Didnt they learn anything from Jon Snow? Papz will spoil this.

Should've at least ended with a bludgeoned head the ground as the last shot.
Damn that last scene was ripped straight from the comics! Jeffrey Dean Morgan nailed Negan perfectly! So hyped to finally see him on camera. I still feel like it'll be Glen. I feel like they are following the comics a lot closer than they were in earlier seasons.
Was really hoping Carol was going to get murked out.

Also hoping Carl is the one that meets Lucille but it's probably Glenn.

No major character deaths, disappointing.

#TeamSaviors, get down or lay down.
I really think the writers didn't know who to pick. Now with this long break they can take time to make a decision on who died. Loved the episode til the spoiler actually happened :smh:
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Didn't the leaked audio have someone saying "Maggie". Did someone just doctor that into the leak?
Glen said it.

As soon as he sees Maggie, he lets out a desperate "Maggie!"
I'm pretty sure they filmed the entire sequence so the cast knows who it is and thats why they were "sick" about it. :rolleyes
JDM did his thing as Negan.

The showrunners trolling hard with that ending.

The only viable candidates for getting Lucille'd are Abe, Daryl, and Glen.
Ending was a total cop out.  JDM's "Negan" is not the least bit menacing/intimidating.  Can already tell next season's premiere will be equally crappy.  Most likely a time lapse where we spend an entire episode guessing who got lit up by Lucille.  Fear not as we'll most likely find out by the mid-season finale.
Terrible ending to an otherwise great episode.

I did love JDM as Negan. Great charisma from him.
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[QUOTE name="HybridSoldier23"]
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Didn't the leaked audio have someone saying "Maggie". Did someone just doctor that into the leak?
Glen said it.

As soon as he sees Maggie, he lets out a desperate "Maggie!"

Ah I didn't listen to the leak but I thought it was reported "Maggie" was said after the first blow to the head from Negan.
So they give us TWO cliffhangers this season. The first with Glenn "dying", had us wait two months... now we have to wait six months for this one. They lost me, Im done with this show there is a million other shows I could watch.

Im gonna put my money on Darryl...
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