The Walking Dead - Official Thread







What an episode. I really thought the added 3 minutes will reveal who got Lucilled. BUT i really think the writers DONT KNOW who to kill. :smh: Now they have 6 months to think about it.

JDM as Negan is money. :smokin

So carol and morgan are now with the hilltops. JEsus/CArol/Morgan saves the day in season 7 somehow. or at least will help get Rick's crew back.

the crew is dumb. they left alexandria to who? father G? seriously?! why not leave the abe and sasha behind? or even carl? they really thought they were invincible.

I think its Glenn that gets it. MAggie will lose the baby. Daryl will be back. He has a score to settle with dwight.
Welp. Guess the leaks were true.

Such a wack way to end a pretty incredible season. If they would've shown the death it would've had SO MUCH MORE impact than a stupid "gotcha" cliffhanger. And the worst part is that we'll know who got Lucille'd in a matter of months when they start filming again, which will further reduce the impact of that scene.

Meh. Negan was dope at least.

Oh, and to everyone saying they're done with this show, no you're not. You'll be back in the fall.
this is the main problem, because of the age we live in where people devote their lives to spoiling tv shows before they air we're all gonna find out who dies if we're on the internet. That's why they shoulda just got it out the way in the finale. This show has done cliffhangers fine before (ie. Terminus and season 2 when they're right outside the prison) and done cliffhangers horribly (season 3 with the governor "attacking" the prison just to leave at the end and this one not showing who died).

For Scott Gimple's credit he did say on the Talking Dead that the season premiere will pick up right from that cliffhanger and we see who dies

Also want to give Andrew Lincoln and JDM props for their acting in that last scene, that was phenomenal
Why should Gimple get props for that though?  After last night, the next season BETTER pick up right where the finale left off. 

I sense they caught wind of just how pissed fans would be if it did indeed end with a cliffhanger, but it was too late to change it up.  They were doing damage control last night for sure.  
Okay caught up to the thread I stopped coming in when you guys posted the spoilers before last weeks episode.

I am not happy about the cliffhanger ending but it's all about the money as another poster said.

I think every major blockbuster movie coming out had a commercial spot during the season finale :lol:

TWD is like the Super Bowl of TV shows at the moment.

Anyway I must say I think it is between Glenn, Abe, or Daryl that got the their yankee fitted splitted.

I must say also that after a lot of thought and consideration Abe is the strongest character out of Rick's group bar none, and it's not even close.

He doesn't go off doing stupid **** causing others to come looking for him thus causing others to get killed or put in the position to be killed.

All the other strong characters are always making poor decisions and causing peril to the group :lol:

You guys think of strong characters as ones that can kill a lot of walkers and/or living badguy people but a strong smart character wouldn't be put in that situation unless they have to, and Abe is the best out of all of them at doing so.

The rest get emotional and make hot head decisions like the hot head son from the Godfather movies Sonny :smh:

But, there wouldn't be a show if everyone thought smart and logically because then there wouldn't be action or drama to happen :lol:

Will be tuning in next season and I might start looking at Fear the walking dead, but I definitely want to start watching Better Call Saul I've been putting it off, but after seeing the previews of loved characters from Breaking Bad I gotta catch up.

Game of Thrones is starting so at least something to watch.
The wolves were such a trash enemy. What was the point of that storyline. Srs

Negan had the series most intense scenes but the ending was pretty bad

The new storyline of rick working for negan seems weak, wonder how this will go
The ending was horrible :lol:

I can't judge Negan yet since he only got a couple of minutes

He wasn't great but wasn't bad either

Watch us wait months for it to be a secondary character get killed of

Man what a dumb way to end the season
Best part about last night other than Negan was Abe's "What the *****?" and "***** nuts" lines.  Joints had me rollin'.  
how did darryl get shot point blank and he's doing better than rick?

a weak ending to an otherwise solid season. carol and darryl putting the majority of the crew at jeopardy . rick playing right into the trap with no real plan.

at least morgan unloaded the choppa :smokin
how did darryl get shot point blank and he's doing better than rick?

a weak ending to an otherwise solid season. carol and darryl putting the majority of the crew at jeopardy . rick playing right into the trap with no real plan.

at least morgan unloaded the choppa :smokin

When you think about it, when have they ever had a real plan? Distracting the hoard of zombies was the extent of their planning.
how did darryl get shot point blank and he's doing better than rick?

a weak ending to an otherwise solid season. carol and darryl putting the majority of the crew at jeopardy . rick playing right into the trap with no real plan.

at least morgan unloaded the choppa :smokin

When you think about it, when have they ever had a real plan? Distracting the hoard of zombies was the extent of their planning.


what happened to jesus?
show is flames , yall dudes are crazy to think the season didnt end proper... cliffhangers make it good for all of us because we get to actually talk about the show and how many different angles can come about with whoever is wacked..  every character has there own little arc going on so to remove anyone can make the story go in soooo many different ways its actually better this way , ill probably forget about it until season 7 starts
That ending was some ole ********! Straight cop out.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan did a fantastic job given the few minutes we saw him this season. Reminded me of his role as the Comedian in Watchmen, only more sinister.

I don't read the comics but anybody thinking it was Abraham? When he said "taking it like a champ" maybe it was a subtle clue it is someone with some strength. I think Eugene, Glenn, or any of the women would've been done with the first hit. Either him or Darryl but I lean more toward Abraham.
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