The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Daryl shooting cliffhanger previous episode and Negan bat bashing cliffhanger this episode.

They were really feeling that blood splatter/drip lens effect :lol:
I was trying to think who those Kingdom dudes looked like then... boom. Lol
I wish it was like dexter where the finales had a reasonable amount of closure to go with a cliffhanger.
Terrible ending. Episode should've ended [spoiler alert] with Negan walking away saying "Ta Ta" while everyone one is crying over Glenn's dead body like in the comic. They butchered the best part of the comic and left it at a cheesy cliffhanger. TMZ is going to find out who died months before the season premiere airs when Yuen isn't at the tapings anymore. I bet you $$$ that the season premier won't even show who died and it's just checking in on Morgan and Carol and R Kelly Enid being trapped in the closet.
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seeing article after article online about how the writers blew this and the fans are outraged. Hope this gets to Kirkman and Gimple and forces them to care about making a quality product next season and stop it with the lame fake outs and cliffhanger tropes
The worst part of all this is that S6 was actually pretty damn good!  The Glenn dumpster death fake out and cliffhanger at the midseason finale definitely pissed me off.  But they redeemed themselves with some quality shows before, in between and after those questionable moments.  

This season-ending cliffhanger just leaves a bad taste in my mouth about the entire season.  All those good moments now went to waste because they led to absolutely NOTHING (we all knew Negan was coming so that doesn't count to me).  
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So nobody else was surprised that a big horde of walkers didn't walk into an open field containing 200+ people making loud whistling sounds?
So nobody else was surprised that a big horde of walkers didn't walk into an open field containing 200+ people making loud whistling sounds?
After all of the stupid **** I've seen on this show, not  surprised at all
This shouldn't hold much weight. Cus I mean, they're in a forest. If you're looking upwards like that in any direction, you should see trees no? 
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