The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Daniel threw the coin because of what the owl stands for in mexican culture.  He knew they were going to be walking into some craziness
I might have missed something, but how did Daniel know to stab the boat border patrol guys in the head? I thought the group didn't know that people turn when they die
I might have missed something, but how did Daniel know to stab the boat border patrol guys in the head? I thought the group didn't know that people turn when they die

Probably put two and two together when Chris killed dude in the chair the episode before. Realized he didn't hit him in the head and saw him turn in the chair.
Madison is turning into Skylar for me. I'm certain her "it's about what I want all the time" attitude is why her husband left or whatever. She was pleading w/ Travis all season 1 to stand to together, help, etc but she's all about preservation for herself and her kids and that's it. She keep helicopter parenting Nick not realizing that he's probably stronger than her.

Chris is definitely losing it but kid already had issue before this happened, and now moms is gone, and you're in post-apocalyptic world, can't keep his strings together.
episode was Lit
best one of the season. they keep topping themselves with every wk

chris losing it. travis can go as well
I might have missed something, but how did Daniel know to stab the boat border patrol guys in the head? I thought the group didn't know that people turn when they die

Didnt Travis's ex wife (Chris's mom) from last season find out when she was helping with the sick ppl in quarantine; with Daniel's wife. I think she told the others in the last couple episodes of season 1.
Probably put two and two together when Chris killed dude in the chair the episode before. Realized he didn't hit him in the head and saw him turn in the chair.

Didnt Travis's ex wife (Chris's mom) from last season find out when she was helping with the sick ppl in quarantine; with Daniel's wife. I think she told the others in the last couple episodes of season 1.

Ahhhh that makes sense

Finally a good episode.
I dont get why Celia poisoned the parishioners though?

I think cause they were getting ready to storm the Abigail's home to kill the walkers
I can't stand Chris either, but I'm getting the vibe that his character is going to get killed off or be responsible for someone else's death by the end of the season.
I feel the same. Poor casting choice. The show would flow a lot better with him out the picture. One son and one daughter is enough
Nah, he's casted perfectly. Cuz he definitely gets on everyone's nerves haha. I hate him. Like for real. Everything about him is annoying. But I guess that's why he's good at being the psycho weird son.

1 son 1 daughter may be enough but the whole angle of Curtis having to watch over his actual son and his step kids (and maybe having to pick sides) is an interesting idea. 
Finally caught up

I am glad I didn't give up on this show

The last couple of episodes have been great
This wasn't good, at all.

Too much WTF? Travis just gonna take his son, and what? Daniel burns the place down? Strand got back in, how?
Strand, the gay guy, now has Madison, Alicia, and Ophelia all to himself? :lol: How druggie shower, then re-blood like it's just layin around in buckets? And he's goin, where now?

She opens the cage, and walks in, just like that???????

All dumb.

But, BUT, I will tell you what, that scene of the Walkers turning back to their normal selves :wow: Oh my God that scene was cool. Loved that effect.

Chris just needs his father.................................................................................................huh?

Yea I wasn't feeling this episode at all. The show had built up so much momentum the past few weeks and then boom...terrible. Didn't even realize that was a midseason finale.
[quote name="CP1708"]How druggie shower, then re-blood like it's just layin around in buckets?[/quote]I mean, there was a whole gang of 'em locked up. *shrugs*[quote name="CP1708"]And he's goin, where now?[/quote]Not with the family. He thinks they destroy everything they encounter, that they're monsters. Simple.
So Daniel burned the place down.... he killed himself right? He was so messed up that he was ready to die? I cant recall everything that was being said with his wife.

Madison locking the lady in there... the reason behind that was what again?

only actions I understood off top...however stupid they may have been, are the actions of Travis/Chris and the junkie son.

the rest of them... im like huh
I know there were a bunch locked up, but she was keeping them "alive" so how could he gut them?????? That doesn't make sense.

And he's gonna be mad at his family for killing them, or wanting too, but then he does it for camouflage?????
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