The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Am I the only person that doesn't give a single damb about when FTWD comes back on?  

They should've never given that show the mid-season break treatment.  As the weeks have gone on, I've completely forgotten about it.   
I forgot too
I mean I get why they did it but still
the show started out great but got real bad real quick
You talking about
yea. i TOTALLY didnt see that coming. so all of this was...
just to gain ricks trust and be amongst the public instead of locked in a cage? and if he killed the whisperers alpha, all this means is theyre going to retaliate and probably be reckless against ricks group now. this **** bout to be CRAZY. and it all came outta left field lmao
Wouldn't it be something if it was Rick?

Ah, now that would be a page out of TGOT. TWD doesn't have the balls to do it though.
Wouldn't it be something if it was Rick?

Ah, now that would be a page out of TGOT. TWD doesn't have the balls to do it though.

I would applaud them for having the balls to pull this off and develop the story further...but knowing them it'll be Aaron :lol:
It's gon be somebody that we expected to die like Sasha, Eugene, Aaron, Rosita, or even Abraham. Won't be nobody major. I'd love for it to be Darryl since he's not in the comics. :lol:
If I remember he said something about feeding the kids eye to the father if he try's something so it can't be Rick.
Last shot he's pointing to Rick. There's no show without Rick.

Why not? For those of us who watched TGOT sans ever reading ASOIAF probably thought there was no way Sean Bean could be offed. I mean I looked around at the rest of the cast and thought to me self "Ain't no way these shmucks can carry the show w/o Bean".

I was proven wrong.

It won't happen but TWD could def go on w/o Rick with characters like Glenn, Maggie, Darryl, One Eyed Willie etc carrying the story.
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