The Walking Dead - Official Thread

That was a weak midseason finale.

Truthfully, the show doesnt really deserve a midseason finale IMO. I like it, but we're not there yet.
I know there were a bunch locked up, but she was keeping them "alive" so how could he gut them?????? That doesn't make sense.
Snuck one in? Like maybe there's a dead cousin in the back corner? Iono. 

And he's gonna be mad at his family for killing them, or wanting too, but then he does it for camouflage?????
Maybe he has like levels of dead in his mind. Like you're kinda dead, you all the way dead, and you're 'there's hope for you' dead. 
 Like a dude with half his ribs poking through and 3 of his limbs detached with both eyeballs missing, "You know what? You're my camo supply." *shrugs*
Midseason finale made zero sense. Daniel's dementia literally came out of nowhere, Celia just walking right into that cell and Madison closing the door was just so damn obvious, Chris going from 0-60 holding kids hostage just felt rushed.

It's like like they tried to do way too much in one episode and it left all the characters individual stories making little to no sense. Also felt like they tried to remix season 2 of the walking dead's finale splitting everyone up and burning the house down. The season started much better than I expected but that end was just bad
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weak midseason finale.

Daniel is as good as dead, I doubt he survives but it was good to see one of the OGs on FTWD

I'll leave y'all with this. My fav song from Ruben Blades aka Daniel :pimp:

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It was a good episode considering how bad some of the others have been. It will keep me watching because I want to know ehre they're headed, so that's saying something.

A lot of stuff that didn't make sense, but that's been the whole show.
Daniel's delusions probably only resurfaced from being back in Mexico. The soil, the spirit of the place and his victims still in the country and started to get the best of him mixed w/ the whole situation in general. Question I have is, where was shorty at when Daniel unlocked the door to burn the place down. Also, I don't think he's dead, place probably will burn around him or something :lol:

Madison wants everything her way or she'll try and assert it which won't work w/ a stronger personality. Thing is, she and Alicia really expect Travis to leave his son to be w/ them so they can turn on him when they feel like it.

Ophelia will die soon, she really has no background to make you connect w/ her.
episode was LIT :pimp:
they've all have lost their minds

how chris not able to outrun his pops (who had a bad foot)
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allegedly, the person that was "lucilled" was paid to not to give spoilers. hmmmmmm

I still think it's Glenn
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Am I the only person that doesn't give a single damb about when FTWD comes back on?  

They should've never given that show the mid-season break treatment.  As the weeks have gone on, I've completely forgotten about it.   
Am I the only person that doesn't give a single damb about when FTWD comes back on?  :lol:

They should've never given that show the mid-season break treatment.  As the weeks have gone on, I've completely forgotten about it.   

I forgot too :lol: I mean I get why they did it but still
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