The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Anyone notice the previously on twd intro for the premiere was like two scenes shown? Shows you how little the plot moved from last time. :lol:
Who was the dude hanging from his neck on the bridge? The way camera focused on him and how Rick was looking at him...couldnt make out if it was someone they knew
Who was the dude hanging from his neck on the bridge? The way camera focused on him and how Rick was looking at him...couldnt make out if it was someone they knew

He had died on the finale. Someone wanted to shoot them down, but Rick said that they needed the bullets. Shortly after, the barricade of wood was set on fire to attract the walkers, which caused them to turn around and end up where they are now.

I saw it but it didn't cross my mind..
I can see Jesus taking the role as Rick's right hand, once Rick pulls his skirt down. Glenn was literally the first person Rick met after he woke out of the coma, I think. (Either him or Morgan). That's gotta be a special kind of pain. It looked worse for Rick than Lorrie's fortunate demise.

I no longer want Carl to die. And Carol needs to throw the bandana back on and get to work.
seen at least 3 articles complaining about the timing stuff as if EVERY tv show doesn't do this to audiences. It did not take away from the shock of Glenn's death one bit and all the people saying that it crossed the line and they're done with the show now lol. They put a bullet in a kid zombie in the first 5 minutes of the damn pilot lol

Timing was 8 month cliffhanger robbed me of what I would have truly felt, I would have been in the damn fetal position with my thumb in my mouth, now is like I'm sad but is like...ok NEXT...we had wayyyyyy too much time to had they swerved us and killed Abe in the finale and let us go on 8 months thinking Glenn was in the clear only to open up with him catching the L, now THAT would have been masterful.
I can see Jesus taking the role as Rick's right hand, once Rick pulls his skirt down. Glenn was literally the first person Rick met after he woke out of the coma, I think. (Either him or Morgan). That's gotta be a special kind of pain. It looked worse for Rick than Lorrie's fortunate demise.

I no longer want Carl to die. And Carol needs to throw the bandana back on and get to work.

Don't worry, City will put her big girl panties back on and get to work...never count her out.
All this about timing could've been fixed last night had somebody lost an arm.

I thought Rick was gonna chop his own and handed that *** to Negan :lol:

Carl gonna be a can tell the way he talks to Negan he doesn't fear him one bit....just patiently waiting for his opportunity.
Timing was 8 month cliffhanger robbed me of what I would have truly felt, I would have been in the damn fetal position with my thumb in my mouth, now is like I'm sad but is like...ok NEXT...we had wayyyyyy too much time to had they swerved us and killed Abe in the finale and let us go on 8 months thinking Glenn was in the clear only to open up with him catching the L, now THAT would have been masterful.

this would have been incredible but the producers put themselves in a corner with that finale. By not showing it kinda forced the writers script on the season 7 premiere and I think they felt "well the fans wanted to be shocked and scared so let's do that x100 in the premiere to win them back". It satisfied probably 90% of the die hards if I could guess and all the folks saying they're done with the show we all know they'll be back
This is definitely where Carl comes into his own. Dude got called up by Negan after seeing his friends get bashed in and was still giving him attitude. 
 I used to hate the kid but I really saw the light at that moment. I think he's gonna be the one to snap his dad out of it. Dumb haircut or not.
This is definitely where Carl comes into his own. Dude got called up by Negan after seeing his friends get bashed in and was still giving him attitude. :pimp:  I used to hate the kid but I really saw the light at that moment. I think he's gonna be the one to snap his dad out of it. Dumb haircut or not.:lol:  

He already snapped Rick out of it 2 seasons ago when they were cornered by Walkers and that boi let the choppa ring...had Rick giving him the Carmelo.gif face.

Savage Carl is so satisfying to watch :lol:
Who was the dude hanging from his neck on the bridge? The way camera focused on him and how Rick was looking at him...couldnt make out if it was someone they knew

He had died on the finale. Someone wanted to shoot them down, but Rick said that they needed the bullets. Shortly after, the barricade of wood was set on fire to attract the walkers, which caused them to turn around and end up where they are now.

I actually watched the Season 6 finale and the episode starts with him being chased in the woods. Was he anyone significant? I can't remember that far back to last season :lol:
This is definitely where Carl comes into his own. Dude got called up by Negan after seeing his friends get bashed in and was still giving him attitude. 
 I used to hate the kid but I really saw the light at that moment. I think he's gonna be the one to snap his dad out of it. Dumb haircut or not.
You guys think Negan will be able to force the turn on Daryl? Or will Daryl play the card but still remain true to his family?
You guys think Negan will be able to force the turn on Daryl? Or will Daryl play the card but still remain true to his family?

I know we're getting too much GoT comparisons, but I don't see Daryl doing anything like that this late into the series. Rick is his brother and I don't see how Negan or homie with the burned face can do anything to make him turn on him. I see him really feeling the effects of being the reason Glen died though. Maggie probably owes him a punch in the face or two too.

Funny how 75% (?) of fans didn't blame him for the death though during Talking Dead though. How Sway?
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With Darryl still alive, do the writers change the script from the comics where Dwight becomes close to Rick in order to help take down Negan since him and Darryl don't get a long?
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